The for loop is another control-flow statement in Python; it allows a program to repeatedly execute a block of code. The process of doing the same thing repeatedly is called iteration . Want to traverse a list and do some computation with each element? Use a for -loop. Want your program to do something a set number of times? Use a for loop.

Lecture Prep

  1. The For-Loop (8 minutes) Anatomy of the for loop
  2. For-Loop Design (6 minutes) Some examples of using for loops on lists ( , )
  3. Range-Based For-Loops (9 minutes) Use a for loop to perform definite iteration --repeating some action a set number of times

Optionally, Read: 4.2 and 10.3

Lecture materials

Slides: individual slides for viewing , 6-up layout for printing

Examples: Materials from for-loop catch-up session, Mon Mar 21, 2022
To download the above .py files, right-click (Windows) or command-click (Macs) on the filename and then select "Save link as".
This way you choose where the files will be saved, instead of having your computer save to the default folder (from which you will later have to move your files for organization).

Questions and Answers: check the answers after you try them on your own!

Link to Lecture Recording