T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Spring 2017


Erik Andersen, 445 Gates Hall, cs-1110profs-L@cornell.edu

Lillian Lee, 419 Gates Hall, cs-1110profs-L@cornell.edu


Emergency contact number: to contact "anyone in charge" about a matter affecting more than you (and your group), email cs-1110mgmt-L@cornell.edu, which reaches the TAs and supervising consultants as well as the instructors and administrative assistant. For example, use this email if there aren't any staff members at a scheduled office hour.

Latest Announcements

September 1st: Viewing of the final exams should be possible starting Thursday Sept 7th

The final exams have been sent to the homework handback room for processing. We expect that they will be available for viewing by Thursday Sept 7th.

You may look at your exam, but you may not take it with you. You will need to show your Cornell ID, and be prepared to give your netID (the exams are currently sorted by netID).

The homework handback room and hours are posted here.

August 29th: We are still in the process of finalizing plans for Spring 2017 final exam viewing

We still have some arrangements regarding making the Spring 2017 final exams available for viewing. The very earliest we expect arrangements to be finalized will be after Labor Day. Stay tuned!

May 24th: Course grades, final exam grades on CMS, solutions posted

As announced via email, course grades have been posted to Student Center, final exam grades have been posted to CMS, and solutions to the final exam have been posted on the course Exams webpage (look in the Exam Archive section). Instructions on viewing graded final exams will be posted here in the fall.

Have a great summer!

Course Description

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing using Python            Fall, spring, summer. 4 credits.
Assumes basic high school mathematics (no calculus) but no programming experience.

Programming and problem solving using Python. Emphasizes principles of software development, style, and testing. Topics include procedures and functions, iteration, recursion, arrays and vectors, strings, an operational model of procedure and function calls, algorithms, exceptions, object-oriented programming, and GUIs (graphical user interfaces). Weekly labs provide guided practice on the computer, with staff present to help. Assignments use graphics and GUIs to help develop fluency and understanding.

Permission Note: Students may not enroll in CS 1110 if they have taken or are co-enrolled in CS 2110/ENGRD 2110, CS 2112 , or have taken or are co-enrolled in a course offered or cross-listed with a CS number 3000 or above. (Students looking to learn Python rather than learn how to program should take CS 1133 instead). Students who have affiliated with the computer-science major may not enroll.

Forbidden Overlap: Due to a partial overlap in content, students will receive 6 credits instead of 8 if they take CS 1110 and one of the following: CS 1112, CS 1114, CS 1115, BEE 1510.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Be fluent in the use of procedural statements — assignments, conditional statements, loops, method calls — and arrays. Be able to design, code, and test small Python programs that meet requirements expressed in English. This includes a basic understanding of top-down design.
  2. Understand the concepts of object-oriented programming as used in Python: classes, subclasses, properties, inheritance, and overriding.
  3. Have knowledge of basic searching and sorting algorithms. Have knowledge of the basics of vector computation.

For more information on the course, see the syllabet.


The times for all prelims and the final are given here. Please notify us as soon as possible if you have any conflicts.

Course Material Authors: E. Andersen, D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan, & W. White