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CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python Spring 2017 |
Main About: Announcements Staff Times & Places Calendar Materials: Texts/Clickers Python/Komodo Command Shell Terminology VideoNote Handouts: Lectures Assignments Labs Assessment: Grading Exams Resources: CMS - direct link CMS usage notes Piazza AEWs FAQ Python Docs Python Tutor Other Courses Style Guide Academic Integrity |
AnnouncementsViewing of the final exams should be possible starting Thursday Sept 7thThe final exams have been sent to the homework handback room for processing. We expect that they will be available for viewing by Thursday Sept 7th. You may look at your exam, but you may not take it with you. You will need to show your Cornell ID, and be prepared to give your netID (the exams are currently sorted by netID). The homework handback room and hours are posted here. Posted Friday, September 1st We are still in the process of finalizing plans for Spring 2017 final exam viewingWe still have some arrangements regarding making the Spring 2017 final exams available for viewing. The very earliest we expect arrangements to be finalized will be after Labor Day. Stay tuned! Posted Tuesday, August 29th Course grades, final exam grades on CMS, solutions postedAs announced via email, course grades have been posted to Student Center, final exam grades have been posted to CMS, and solutions to the final exam have been posted on the course Exams webpage (look in the Exam Archive section). Instructions on viewing graded final exams will be posted here in the fall. Have a great summer! Posted Wednesday, May 24th Final (exam) review sessions Sunday May 14th(Same as email set via CMS)Review sessions for the final exam will happen *this Sunday* 5/14 starting at noon and ending around 6pm in Kimball B11 (directions below). We are planning on having the sessions recorded and uploaded on Videonote; however, we cannot guarantee this will be an error-free process or videos will be available, so please try to attend in person. Materials:
DIRECTIONS TO KIMBALL B11 Posted Friday, May 12th Updated final-exam announcements and study guide postedFriday May 12, 8:30pm: added alternate solution and identified typo for 2013 Fall The final-exam announcements and study guide document contains information not just about good questions to study from, but also about how to navigate Barton Hall and where to sit, what to bring to the exam, and so on. Posted Friday, May 12th Where to see A5 updatesThere have been some updates since the initial release. Make sure you check the main A5 page to see the latest updates.Posted Friday, May 5th A5 releasedPosted Wednesday, May 3rd Prelim 2 grades, solutions, regrade requestGrades for Prelim 2 have been released on CMS. Solutions have been posted to the Exams section of the course webpage, Exams can be picked up from the homework handback room, Gates 216. Its hours of operation while normal classes are in session are: M 12:30-4:30 T 12:30-4:30 W 12:30-4:30 R 12:30-4 F 12:30-4:30 The procedure for submitting regrade requests is below. They will collected in lecture on Tuesday, May 9th (not before or after that date).
Posted Sunday, April 30th Lab 13 released earlyLab 13 has been released early so that students can aim to complete it before the next assignment comes out.Posted Thursday, April 27th A4 solutions released on CMSA4 solutions released on CMS - look on the A4 CMS page for the line "Download solutions here"Posted Sunday, April 23rd More prelim 2 review sessions
Posted Friday, April 21st A4 de-duplication comment has a typo.The comment in teams() regarding how to do de-duplication of a list,mylist_without_duplicates = list[set(mylist)] , should not have square brackets: it should read
mylist_without_duplicates = list(set(mylist))
Posted Friday, April 14th A3 solutions released on CMSA3 solutions released on CMS - look on the A3 CMS page for the line "Download solutions here"Posted Friday, April 14th A4 releasedPosted Tuesday, April 11th Prelim 2 makeup requests: Different ProcedureYou may now submit requests (see below for details) to take the makeup exam for Prelim 2. Requests can be submitted until 4/20 at 11:59pm. This is a hard deadline. The makeup exam is for those students who have an unavoidable conflict with the main exam time (4/25 at 7:30pm). To submit a request, you must complete *two* tasks:
If Ms. Edwards does not receive an email explanation of your situation, your makeup request will not be approved. Please note that you are required to attend the original exam time on 4/25 unless you receive confirmation that your request has been approved. Posted Tuesday, April 11th A3 update: A3_sample.txt lists top Bush-leaning words in wrong orderIn A3_sample.txt, the set of top 10 most Bush-leaning words is the correct set of words, but in the wrong order, due to a bug in one line of a3checks.py.Updated pdf with more detail available on the assignments page, changes documented on page "0" of the pdf and marked in orange. We strongly recommend you do NOT redownload the a3.zip file, to avoid over-writing all your work in a3.py Posted Sunday, March 26th A3 update: trigram_generation comment typoIn filea3.py , the commented line 225 in trigram_generation should read "(2) do something to get w3 added to your output", not w2.Updated pdf available on the assignments page, changes documented on page "0" of the pdf and marked in orange. Posted Sunday, March 26th Prelim 1 and solutions posted, regrade-request procedures announcedSee email sent via CMS to all students (contents excerpted below, for your convenience) The solutions to Prelim 1 have been posted. To see them, please go to the Exams page of the course website. The procedure for submitting regrade requests for both the normal and makeup prelim are below. They will collected in lecture on Tuesday, April 11th (not before or after that date). The first thing you should do if you believe you require a regrade, is to try coding up your answer in Python and check the results. If it still seems as if there is an error, then submit a request. A regrade request consists of a piece of paper stapled to the front of your exam. Do NOT write on the exam itself. You should include the following information on the paper:
Posted Sunday, March 26th A3 updates: added constructor explanation and hint about trigram_generationUpdated pdf available on the assignments page, changes documented on page "0" of the pdf and marked in orange. No changes to the skeleton code itself.Posted Friday, February 17th Prelim Makeup ArrangementsThe makeup procedure is outlined below; only sign up for a makeup exam if you have an actual, unavoidable conflict with the 3/19 at 2pm time. Submit your makeup requests through the "3/19 Prelim Conflicts" assignment on CMS by 3:59pm on Friday, March 17th. These are requests, it is *not guaranteed* that we can accommodate you. We will *not* accommodate you whatsoever if you do not submit a request. Posted Thursday, March 16th Prelim Rescheduled (Makeup Arrangements TBA)The prelim has been rescheduled for 2:00 - 3:30pm on Sunday, March 19th. We know some of you will have conflicts with this time and we'll create a mechanism for you to notify us. This will be in place today and you will have 24 hours to use that mechanism once it is open. Please do not email at this time. Makeups will be scheduled for later next week, potentially Thursday 3/23 or Friday 3/24. The exam room assignments remain the same:
For people who have extended time and do not have a conflict, it will also start at 2:30pm. We will notify you of the room location. Posted Thursday, March 16th Prelim Review Session MaterialsHere are the slides and demos from the prelim review sessions today: Alex's Part 1 Lecture, Amol's Part 2 Lecture, and Amol's Demo Posted Sunday, March 12th Prelim procedures: bring Cornell ID, what you can useBring your Cornell student ID: You will be required to show it to turn in your prelim. You are not allowed anything but pens, pencils, and erasers while you are taking the exam. In particular, no class notes of any kind, calculators, computers or other electronics are allowed. We expect all phones to be turned off and put away in your bag during the prelim.
Posted Friday, March 10th Additional prelim review sessions; consulting/office hours updatesThere will be two prelim review sessions on Sunday 3/12, one at 1pm and one at 3pm, in Kimball B11. There will be only be consulting hours from 4:30 to 5:30pm on Tuesday night 3/14 because of the prelim. Consulting hours will also be shortened the Sunday after the prelim, 3/19, and will run from 12:30 - 5:30pm. These changes are now noted on the staff calendar.
Details about Review Session:
Posted Friday, March 10th Where to pick up your graded A2Assignment 2 has now been graded, out of a total of 50 points. As part of this process, we printed out everyone's submissions and graded them by hand. You can pick up your graded assignment in the CS Handback Room beginning today. We cannot upload grades to CMS at the moment due to a serious technical issue.To get your assignment back: Go to the handback room, which is 216 Gates Hall (go up the stairs and to the left, halfway down the hall on your left). Tell them you are from CS1110, and here to pick up your assignment. You'll be asked for your NetID and likely your student ID as well (so please bring it!). Note that your work may be filed under your NetID OR your partner's NetID if you worked in a group. The handback room is open Monday - Friday 12:30pm to 4:30pm. Posted Friday, March 10th A2 solutions outHere they are!And, in case you wanted to see this — but do NOT use this notation on OUR exams or assignments — a version using "one-frame-per-line-of-code" notation (as in some other semesters), due to TA Dana Warmsley, is here. Posted Thursday, March 9th A1 Section 9 minor update: missing preconditions for function exchange_amount addedUpdated pdf available on the assignments page, changes documented on page "0" of the pdf and marked in orange. *IMPORTANT:* If you have already started working, do *NOT* re-download the source code file. This will override your current version. Rather just make the changes to the specification manually (i.e. copy from the updated pdf).Posted Friday, February 17th A1 Section 10 minor update: incorrect URL for line-length issues,We'll explain some of the instructions and processes in lecture.Posted Wednesday, February 15th Assignment A1 and one-on-ones now posted to the assignments page and CMSWe'll explain some of the instructions and processes in lecture.Posted Tuesday, February 14th Final exam date announced: Thursday May 18 9-11:30amPosted Tuesday, February 14th Correction to lab 2 handout postedA correction to the lab 2 handout was posted around 5pm (too late for the printouts that will be available in the lab sessions, alas). See the labs page here. Posted Monday, February 6th Trouble enrolling because of full sections?If you have been unable to enroll in a lecture with open spots because you can't find a discussion section ("lab") with available seats, please come to the first lecture anyway. We will discuss options then. However, if you're just looking to learn how to program and what language you program in isn't so important to you, then consider CS1112, which meets at the same time, and has open seats and the "coziness" of a smaller class. If you just want to learn Python, then consider CS1113, which may still have open seats. Posted Wednesday, January 25th No discussion section (aka "labs") on Wed Jan 25th.There are no discussion sections (a.k.a "labs") on Wednesday the 25th (labs start on Tuesday Jan 31/Wednesday Feb 1). Do come to lecture on the first day, Thursday Jan 26th, though!Posted Monday, January 23rd |
Course Material Authors: E. Andersen, D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan, & W. White |