Theresa Velden

Research Fellow
School of Information
University of Michigan

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My research interest is in understanding the production of scientific knowledge as a collective process. In particular, I am interested in how to explain differences in collaboration and communication practices across scientific communities, and how to consider these differences when designing web-based technologies to support new ways of scientific knowledge production and sharing as envisioned by the open access, open data, and cyber infrastructure initiatives.

To develop an empirical basis for answering questions about field-differences in scientific communication and collaboration practices, I pursue a mixed method approach. It integrates ethnographic field studies with network analyses of publication networks. This approach connects nuanced, local understandings of practices to field-level collective patterns of behavior and enables systematic comparisons between scientific fields.

Theresa Velden
Email tav6[AT]
or tvelden[AT]

School of Information
University of Michigan
4439 North Quad
105 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285