
Require Export iCreateMoveToLoc.

Definition rotSpeedRadPerSec : Qpos := QposMake 1 2.

Definition speedMetresPerSec : Qpos := QposMake 1 10.

Definition delResSecInv : positive := (1000)%positive.

Definition delEpsSec : Qpos := QposMake 1 10000.

Definition initDelayLin : Qpos := QposMake 1 1.

Definition robotProgramInstance (delayLinSec : Qpos) : PureProcWDelay TARGETPOS VELOCITY :=

To ensure that the Java shim maintains the state correctly, we make this process whose state is non-trivial and stores the delay between the "stop-turning" and the "start-moving" message. At each update, this value is doubled.

Definition SwProcessInstance : Process Message (list Message):=
State := Q;
curState := initDelayLin;
handler := λ (ins : Q) (inm : Message),
           (ins × 2,
           delayedLift2Mesg (robotProgramInstance (QabsQpos ins)) inm) |}.

Definition target1Metres : Cart2D Q
  := {|X:= - Qmake 1 1 ; Y:= Qmake 1 1|}.

Definition mkInpMsg (mp : Cart2D Q) : Message := mkTargetMsg mp.

Definition StateType : Type.
  let t := eval vm_compute in (State SwProcessInstance) in exact t.
Definition state0 := curState SwProcessInstance.

Definition nthMsgPayload (lm : list Message)
  (tp : Topic) (n:nat) : option (topicType tp) :=
   getPayloadOp tp (nth_error lm n).

Definition nthVelMsgPayload (lm : list Message)
   (n:nat) : option (Polar2D Q) :=
   nthMsgPayload lm VELOCITY n.

Definition nthDelay (resp : list Message) (n:nat) : option Q :=
  option_map (delay snd) (nth_error resp n).

Definition nthLinVel (resp : list Message) (n:nat) : option Q :=
  option_map ((@rad _)) (nthVelMsgPayload resp n).

Definition nthTheta (resp : list Message) (n:nat) : option Q :=
  option_map ((@θ _)) (nthVelMsgPayload resp n).

Definition QNumOp : option Qoption Z :=
  option_map Qnum.

Definition QDenOp : option Qoption positive :=
  option_map Qden.