
Require Export CRFieldOps.
Require Export CRring.
Require Export CFields.
Require Import CRcorrect.
Require Import CornTac.

Example of a field: ⟨CR,+,×

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Lemma CRisCField : is_CField CRasCRing CRinvT.
 intros x x_.
  change (x*(CRinvT x x_)==1)%CR.
  rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
  stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR (CRinvT x x_))); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
  stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](f_rcpcl (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 _ x_))); [| now
    apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_rht; apply CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv].
  apply: eq_transitive.
   apply field_mult_inv.
  apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.
 change ((CRinvT x x_)*x==1)%CR.
 rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
 stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR (CRinvT x x_))[*](CRasCauchy_IR x)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
 stepl ((f_rcpcl (CRasCauchy_IR x) (CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 _ x_))[*](CRasCauchy_IR x)); [| now
   apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_lft; apply CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv].
 apply: eq_transitive.
  apply field_mult_inv_op.
 apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.

Lemma CRinv_strext : x y x_ y_, CRapartT (CRinvT x x_) (CRinvT y y_) → CRapartT x y.
 intros x y x_ y_ H.
 apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_2.
 apply cf_rcpsx with
   (CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 _ x_) (CR_nonZero_as_Cauchy_IR_nonZero_1 _ y_).
 stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (CRinvT x x_)%CR); [| now
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv_short x x_)].
 stepr (CRasCauchy_IR (CRinvT y y_)%CR); [| now
   apply eq_symmetric; apply (CR_inv_as_Cauchy_IR_inv_short y y_)].
 apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_1.
 apply H.

Definition CRasCField : CField :=
Build_CField CRasCRing CRinvT CRisCField CRinv_strext.

Canonical Structure CRasCField.