CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2012

Project Suggestion: Environmental Impact Tracker

Environmental Impact Tracker


Dana Lynn Arose


Cornell’s Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) is in search of a team to create an iOS mobile application that allows students to track their effect on the environment. Ideally, the application would have a list of many environmentally friendly solutions available today (i.e. using reusable grocery bags, walking/bicycling instead of driving), and allow participants to log in and check their total effect on the environment as a result of their logged actions. An administrator would be able to monitor the progress of all users. If this project is undertaken, we will work on gathering the necessary resources for a server.

What’s in it for you?

Your application WILL be used! During Earth Week, ESW holds our annual “Drive not to Drive” event, and we would use the application to keep track of our top users for that week and they would win prizes!

Many software positions are now screening for applicants with mobile technology experience as the mobile sector continues to grow.

There is a lot of leeway in terms of creativity—you can add geo-tracking for calculating distance traveled, you can create a tablet app/android app as well, you can create the admin interface as a web app rather than a native app, or you can add facebook integration. We are open to any suggestions and would love to hear your feedback.

You will be helping Cornell AND the environment!

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