CS/INFO 4152: Advanced Topics in Computer Game Development

Course Staff

Any other office hours can be arranged by appointment. Simply contact any of the staff members below by e-mail. We always strive to make sure that at least one staff member can attend your group meeting time on demand.

Name E-Mail/Contact Office Availability
Walker White
(Computer Science)
Phone: 255-8346
451 Gates Hall MonFri 1:30-3:00
or by appointment
Traci Nathans-Kelly
Phone: 255-7196
463 Hollister
Administrative Assistant
Amy Elser ahf42@cornell.edu
Phone: 255-5331
401 Gates Hall Contact for administrative issues.

Teaching Assistants
TAs are listed by area. You should feel free to contact any TA for help, but it is often best if you pick a TA whose area is closest to your question.

David Arcia
(Programming Lead)
daa98@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Urael Xu
(Visual Design Lead)
ux22@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Gabe Lane
(Gameplay Lead)
gal86@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Alan Pascual
ap835@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Dylan Magsarili
dm678@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Jonathan Oliveira
jyo4@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment
Xiaohan Gao
(Visual Design)
xg63@cornell.edu E-mail for appointment