Cornell Cocos
Cornell Extensions to Cocos2d
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Obstacle Class Reference

#include <CUObstacle.h>

Inheritance diagram for Obstacle:
ComplexObstacle SimpleObstacle BoxObstacle CapsuleObstacle PolygonObstacle WheelObstacle

Public Member Functions

virtual b2BodyType getBodyType () const
virtual void setBodyType (b2BodyType value)
virtual Vec2 getPosition () const
virtual void setPosition (const Vec2 &value)
virtual void setPosition (float x, float y)
virtual float getX () const
virtual void setX (float value)
virtual float getY () const
virtual void setY (float value)
virtual float getAngle () const
virtual void setAngle (float value)
virtual Vec2 getLinearVelocity () const
virtual void setLinearVelocity (const Vec2 &value)
virtual void setLinearVelocity (float x, float y)
virtual float getVX () const
virtual void setVX (float value)
virtual float getVY () const
virtual void setVY (float value)
virtual float getAngularVelocity () const
virtual void setAngularVelocity (float value)
virtual bool isActive () const
virtual void setActive (bool value)
virtual bool isAwake () const
virtual void setAwake (bool value)
virtual bool isSleepingAllowed () const
virtual void setSleepingAllowed (bool value)
virtual bool isBullet () const
virtual void setBullet (bool value)
virtual bool isFixedRotation () const
virtual void setFixedRotation (bool value)
virtual float getGravityScale () const
virtual void setGravityScale (float value)
virtual float getLinearDamping () const
virtual void setLinearDamping (float value)
virtual float getAngularDamping () const
virtual void setAngularDamping (float value)
void setBodyState (const b2Body &body)
float getDensity () const
virtual void setDensity (float value)
float getFriction () const
virtual void setFriction (float value)
float getRestitution () const
virtual void setRestitution (float value)
bool isSensor () const
virtual void setSensor (bool value)
b2Filter getFilterData () const
virtual void setFilterData (b2Filter value)
virtual Vec2 getCentroid () const
virtual void setCentroid (const Vec2 &value)
virtual void setCentroid (float x, float y)
virtual float getInertia () const
virtual void setInertia (float value)
virtual float getMass () const
virtual void setMass (float value)
virtual void resetMass ()
bool isRemoved () const
void markRemoved (bool value)
bool isDirty () const
void markDirty (bool value)
const Vec2 & getDrawScale () const
virtual void setDrawScale (const Vec2 &value)
virtual void setDrawScale (float x, float y)
Node * getSceneNode () const
void setSceneNode (Node *node)
WireNodegetDebugNode () const
void setDebugNode (WireNode *node)
virtual b2Body * getBody () const
virtual bool activatePhysics (b2World &world)
virtual void deactivatePhysics (b2World &world)
virtual void update (float delta)
string getName () const
void setName (string value)
string toString () const
virtual ~Obstacle ()
virtual bool init ()
virtual bool init (const Vec2 &vec)

Public Attributes

CC_CONSTRUCTOR_ACCESS __pad0__: Obstacle(void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void resetSceneNode ()
virtual void positionSceneNode ()
virtual void resetDebugNode ()
virtual void positionDebugNode ()

Protected Attributes

b2BodyDef _bodyinfo
b2FixtureDef _fixture
b2MassData _massdata
Vec2 _drawScale
bool _masseffect
Node * _node
string _tag


ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Obstacle &obj)

Detailed Description

Base model class to support collisions.

Instances represents a body and/or a group of bodies. There should be NO game controlling logic code in a physics objects. That should reside in the Controllers.

This abstract class has no Body or Shape information and should never be instantiated directly. Instead, you should instantiate either SimpleObstacle or or ComplexObstacle. This class only exists to unify common functionality. In particular, it wraps the body and and fixture information into a single interface.

Many of the method comments in this class are taken from the Box2d manual by Erin Catto (2011).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Obstacle::~Obstacle ( )

Deletes this physics object and all of its resources.

We have to make the destructor public so that we can polymorphically delete physics objects.

A non-default destructor is necessary since we must release all claims on scene graph nodes.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool Obstacle::activatePhysics ( b2World &  world)

Creates the physics Body(s) for this object, adding them to the world.

Implementations of this method should NOT retain a reference to World. That is a tight coupling that we should avoid.

worldBox2D world to store body
true if object allocation succeeded

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::deactivatePhysics ( b2World &  world)

Destroys the physics Body(s) of this object if applicable, removing them from the world.

worldBox2D world that stores body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle of rotation for this body (about the center).

The value returned is in radians

the angle of rotation for this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getAngularDamping ( ) const

Returns the angular damping for this body.

Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. Damping is different than friction because friction only occurs with contact. Damping is not a replacement for friction and the two effects should be used together.

Damping parameters should be between 0 and infinity, with 0 meaning no damping, and infinity meaning full damping. Normally you will use a damping value between 0 and 0.1.

the angular damping for this body.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getAngularVelocity ( ) const

Returns the angular velocity for this physics body

The rate of change is measured in radians per step

the angular velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual b2Body* Obstacle::getBody ( ) const

Returns the Box2D body for this object.

You use this body to add joints and apply forces. We return a pointer instead of a reference because this value could be none.

the Box2D body for this object.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual b2BodyType Obstacle::getBodyType ( ) const

Returns the body type for Box2D physics

If you want to lock a body in place (e.g. a platform) set this value to STATIC. KINEMATIC allows the object to move (and some limited collisions), but ignores external forces (e.g. gravity). DYNAMIC makes this is a full-blown physics object.

the body type for Box2D physics

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual Vec2 Obstacle::getCentroid ( ) const

Returns the center of mass of this body

This method converts from a Box2D vector type to a Cocos2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types. It also means that changes to the returned vector will have no effect on this object.

the center of mass for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

WireNode* Obstacle::getDebugNode ( ) const

Returns the scene graph node for debugging purposes.

The debug node is used to outline the fixtures attached to this object. This is very useful when the fixtures have a very different shape than the texture (e.g. a circular shape attached to a square texture).

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

the scene graph node for debugging purposes.
float Obstacle::getDensity ( ) const

Returns the density of this body

The density is typically measured in usually in kg/m^2. The density can be zero or positive. You should generally use similar densities for all your fixtures. This will improve stacking stability.

the density of this body
const Vec2& Obstacle::getDrawScale ( ) const

Returns the drawing scale for this physics object

The drawing scale is the number of pixels to draw before Box2D unit. Because mass is a function of area in Box2D, we typically want the physics objects to be small. So we decouple that scale from the physics object. However, we must track the scale difference to communicate with the scene graph.

We allow for the scaling factor to be non-uniform.

the drawing scale for this physics object
b2Filter Obstacle::getFilterData ( ) const

Returns the filter data for this object (or null if there is none)

Collision filtering allows you to prevent collision between fixtures. For example, say you make a character that rides a bicycle. You want the bicycle to collide with the terrain and the character to collide with the terrain, but you don't want the character to collide with the bicycle (because they must overlap). Box2D supports such collision filtering using categories and groups.

the filter data for this object (or null if there is none)
float Obstacle::getFriction ( ) const

Returns the friction coefficient of this body

The friction parameter is usually set between 0 and 1, but can be any non-negative value. A friction value of 0 turns off friction and a value of 1 makes the friction strong. When the friction force is computed between two shapes, Box2D must combine the friction parameters of the two parent fixtures. This is done with the geometric mean.

the friction coefficient of this body
virtual float Obstacle::getGravityScale ( ) const

Returns the gravity scale to apply to this body

This allows isolated objects to float. Be careful with this, since increased gravity can decrease stability.

the gravity scale to apply to this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getInertia ( ) const

Returns the rotational inertia of this body

For static bodies, the mass and rotational inertia are set to zero. When a body has fixed rotation, its rotational inertia is zero.

the rotational inertia of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getLinearDamping ( ) const

Returns the linear damping for this body.

Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. Damping is different than friction because friction only occurs with contact. Damping is not a replacement for friction and the two effects should be used together.

Damping parameters should be between 0 and infinity, with 0 meaning no damping, and infinity meaning full damping. Normally you will use a damping value between 0 and 0.1. Most people avoid linear damping because it makes bodies look floaty.

the linear damping for this body.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual Vec2 Obstacle::getLinearVelocity ( ) const

Returns the linear velocity for this physics body

This method converts from a Box2D vector type to a Cocos2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types. It also means that changes to the returned vector will have no effect on this object.

the linear velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getMass ( ) const

Returns the mass of this body

The value is usually in kilograms.

the mass of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

string Obstacle::getName ( ) const

Returns the physics object tag.

A tag is a string attached to an object, in order to identify it in debugging.

the physics object tag.
virtual Vec2 Obstacle::getPosition ( ) const

Returns the current position for this physics body

This method converts from a Box2D vector type to a Cocos2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types. It also means that changes to the returned vector will have no effect on this object.

the current position for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

float Obstacle::getRestitution ( ) const

Returns the restitution of this body

Restitution is used to make objects bounce. The restitution value is usually set to be between 0 and 1. Consider dropping a ball on a table. A value of zero means the ball won't bounce. This is called an inelastic collision. A value of one means the ball's velocity will be exactly reflected. This is called a perfectly elastic collision.

the restitution of this body
Node* Obstacle::getSceneNode ( ) const

Returns the scene graph node for drawing purposes.

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

the scene graph node for drawing purposes.
virtual float Obstacle::getVX ( ) const

Returns the x-velocity for this physics body

the x-velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getVY ( ) const

Returns the y-velocity for this physics body

the y-velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getX ( ) const

Returns the x-coordinate for this physics body

the x-coordinate for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual float Obstacle::getY ( ) const

Returns the y-coordinate for this physics body

the y-coordinate for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual bool Obstacle::init ( )

Initializes a new physics object at the origin.

true if the obstacle is initialized properly, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in CapsuleObstacle, BoxObstacle, and WheelObstacle.

bool Obstacle::init ( const Vec2 &  vec)

Initializes a new physics object at the given point

vecInitial position in world coordinates
true if the obstacle is initialized properly, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in CapsuleObstacle, BoxObstacle, and WheelObstacle.

virtual bool Obstacle::isActive ( ) const

Returns true if the body is active

An inactive body not participate in collision or dynamics. This state is similar to sleeping except the body will not be woken by other bodies and the body's fixtures will not be placed in the broad-phase. This means the body will not participate in collisions, ray casts, etc.

true if the body is active

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual bool Obstacle::isAwake ( ) const

Returns true if the body is awake

An sleeping body is one that has come to rest and the physics engine has decided to stop simulating it to save CPU cycles. If a body is awake and collides with a sleeping body, then the sleeping body wakes up. Bodies will also wake up if a joint or contact attached to them is destroyed. You can also wake a body manually.

true if the body is awake

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual bool Obstacle::isBullet ( ) const

Returns true if this body is a bullet

By default, Box2D uses continuous collision detection (CCD) to prevent dynamic bodies from tunneling through static bodies. Normally CCD is not used between dynamic bodies. This is done to keep performance reasonable. In some game scenarios you need dynamic bodies to use CCD. For example, you may want to shoot a high speed bullet at a stack of dynamic bricks. Without CCD, the bullet might tunnel through the bricks.

Fast moving objects in Box2D can be labeled as bullets. Bullets will perform CCD with both static and dynamic bodies. You should decide what bodies should be bullets based on your game design.

true if this body is a bullet

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

bool Obstacle::isDirty ( ) const

Returns true if the shape information must be updated.

Attributes tied to the geometry (and not just forces/position) must wait for collisions to complete before they are reset. Shapes (and their properties) are reset in the update method.

true if the shape information must be updated.
virtual bool Obstacle::isFixedRotation ( ) const

Returns true if this body be prevented from rotating

This is very useful for characters that should remain upright.

true if this body be prevented from rotating

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

bool Obstacle::isRemoved ( ) const

Returns true if our object has been flagged for garbage collection

A garbage collected object will be removed from the physics world at the next time step.

true if our object has been flagged for garbage collection
bool Obstacle::isSensor ( ) const

Returns true if this object is a sensor.

Sometimes game logic needs to know when two entities overlap yet there should be no collision response. This is done by using sensors. A sensor is an entity that detects collision but does not produce a response.

true if this object is a sensor.
virtual bool Obstacle::isSleepingAllowed ( ) const

Returns false if this body should never fall asleep

An sleeping body is one that has come to rest and the physics engine has decided to stop simulating it to save CPU cycles. If a body is awake and collides with a sleeping body, then the sleeping body wakes up. Bodies will also wake up if a joint or contact attached to them is destroyed. You can also wake a body manually.

false if this body should never fall asleep

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::markDirty ( bool  value)

Sets whether the shape information must be updated.

Attributes tied to the geometry (and not just forces/position) must wait for collisions to complete before they are reset. Shapes (and their properties) are reset in the update method.

valuewhether the shape information must be updated.
void Obstacle::markRemoved ( bool  value)

Sets whether our object has been flagged for garbage collection

A garbage collected object will be removed from the physics world at the next time step.

valuewhether our object has been flagged for garbage collection
void Obstacle::positionDebugNode ( )

Repositions the debug node so that it agrees with the physics object.

By default, the position of a node should be the body position times the draw scale. However, for some obstacles (particularly complex obstacles), it may be desirable to turn the default functionality off. Hence we have made this virtual.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::positionSceneNode ( )

Repositions the scene node so that it agrees with the physics object.

By default, the position of a node should be the body position times the draw scale. However, for some obstacles (particularly complex obstacles), it may be desirable to turn the default functionality off. Hence we have made this virtual.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::resetDebugNode ( )

Redraws the outline of the physics fixtures to the debug node

The debug node is use to outline the fixtures attached to this object. This is very useful when the fixtures have a very different shape than the texture (e.g. a circular shape attached to a square texture).

Unfortunately, the current implementation is very inefficient. Cocos2d does not batch drawnode commands like it does Sprites or PolygonSprites. Therefore, every distinct DrawNode is a distinct OpenGL call. This can really hurt framerate when debugging mode is on. Ideally, we would refactor this so that we only draw to a single, master draw node. However, this means that we would have to handle our own vertex transformations, instead of relying on the transforms in the scene graph.

Reimplemented in CapsuleObstacle, PolygonObstacle, BoxObstacle, and WheelObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::resetMass ( )

Resets this body to use the mass computed from the its shape and density

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::resetSceneNode ( )

Performs any necessary additions to the scene graph node.

This method is necessary for custom physics objects that are composed of multiple scene graph nodes.

Reimplemented in PolygonObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setActive ( bool  value)

Sets whether the body is active

An inactive body not participate in collision or dynamics. This state is similar to sleeping except the body will not be woken by other bodies and the body's fixtures will not be placed in the broad-phase. This means the body will not participate in collisions, ray casts, etc.

valuewhether the body is active

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setAngle ( float  value)

Sets the angle of rotation for this body (about the center).

valuethe angle of rotation for this body (in radians)

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setAngularDamping ( float  value)

Sets the angular damping for this body.

Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. Damping is different than friction because friction only occurs with contact. Damping is not a replacement for friction and the two effects should be used together.

Damping parameters should be between 0 and infinity, with 0 meaning no damping, and infinity meaning full damping. Normally you will use a damping value between 0 and 0.1.

valuethe angular damping for this body.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setAngularVelocity ( float  value)

Sets the angular velocity for this physics body

valuethe angular velocity for this physics body (in radians)

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setAwake ( bool  value)

Sets whether the body is awake

An sleeping body is one that has come to rest and the physics engine has decided to stop simulating it to save CPU cycles. If a body is awake and collides with a sleeping body, then the sleeping body wakes up. Bodies will also wake up if a joint or contact attached to them is destroyed. You can also wake a body manually.

valuewhether the body is awake

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setBodyState ( const b2Body &  body)

Copies the state from the given body to the body def.

This is important if you want to save the state of the body before removing it from the world.

virtual void Obstacle::setBodyType ( b2BodyType  value)

Sets the body type for Box2D physics

If you want to lock a body in place (e.g. a platform) set this value to STATIC. KINEMATIC allows the object to move (and some limited collisions), but ignores external forces (e.g. gravity). DYNAMIC makes this is a full-blown physics object.

valuethe body type for Box2D physics

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setBullet ( bool  value)

Sets whether this body is a bullet

By default, Box2D uses continuous collision detection (CCD) to prevent dynamic bodies from tunneling through static bodies. Normally CCD is not used between dynamic bodies. This is done to keep performance reasonable. In some game scenarios you need dynamic bodies to use CCD. For example, you may want to shoot a high speed bullet at a stack of dynamic bricks. Without CCD, the bullet might tunnel through the bricks.

Fast moving objects in Box2D can be labeled as bullets. Bullets will perform CCD with both static and dynamic bodies. You should decide what bodies should be bullets based on your game design.

valuewhether this body is a bullet

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setCentroid ( const Vec2 &  value)

Sets the center of mass for this physics body

This method converts from a Cocos2D vector type to a Box2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types.

valuethe center of mass for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setCentroid ( float  x,
float  y 

Sets the center of mass for this physics body

xthe x-coordinate of the center of mass for this physics body
ythe y-coordinate of the center of mass for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setDebugNode ( WireNode node)

Sets the scene graph node for debugging purposes.

The debug node is used to outline the fixtures attached to this object. This is very useful when the fixtures have a very different shape than the texture (e.g. a circular shape attached to a square texture).

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

valuethe scene graph node for debugging purposes.

a reference to this debug scene graph node the previous debug scene graph node used by this object

Sets the scene graph node for debugging purposes.

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

valuethe scene graph node for drawing purposes.

a reference to this debug scene graph node the previous debug scene graph node used by this object

virtual void Obstacle::setDensity ( float  value)

Sets the density of this body

The density is typically measured in usually in kg/m^2. The density can be zero or positive. You should generally use similar densities for all your fixtures. This will improve stacking stability.

valuethe density of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, SimpleObstacle, and CapsuleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setDrawScale ( const Vec2 &  value)

Sets the drawing scale for this physics object

The drawing scale is the number of pixels to draw before Box2D unit. Because mass is a function of area in Box2D, we typically want the physics objects to be small. So we decouple that scale from the physics object. However, we must track the scale difference to communicate with the scene graph.

We allow for the scaling factor to be non-uniform.

valuethe drawing scale for this physics object

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle.

void Obstacle::setDrawScale ( float  x,
float  y 

Sets the drawing scale for this physics object

The drawing scale is the number of pixels to draw before Box2D unit. Because mass is a function of area in Box2D, we typically want the physics objects to be small. So we decouple that scale from the physics object. However, we must track the scale difference to communicate with the scene graph.

We allow for the scaling factor to be non-uniform.

xthe x-axis scale for this physics object
ythe y-axis scale for this physics object

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setFilterData ( b2Filter  value)

Sets the filter data for this object

Collision filtering allows you to prevent collision between fixtures. For example, say you make a character that rides a bicycle. You want the bicycle to collide with the terrain and the character to collide with the terrain, but you don't want the character to collide with the bicycle (because they must overlap). Box2D supports such collision filtering using categories and groups.

A value of null removes all collision filters.

valuethe filter data for this object

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setFixedRotation ( bool  value)

Sets whether this body be prevented from rotating

This is very useful for characters that should remain upright.

valuewhether this body be prevented from rotating

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setFriction ( float  value)

Sets the friction coefficient of this body

The friction parameter is usually set between 0 and 1, but can be any non-negative value. A friction value of 0 turns off friction and a value of 1 makes the friction strong. When the friction force is computed between two shapes, Box2D must combine the friction parameters of the two parent fixtures. This is done with the geometric mean.

valuethe friction coefficient of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setGravityScale ( float  value)

Sets the gravity scale to apply to this body

This allows isolated objects to float. Be careful with this, since increased gravity can decrease stability.

valuethe gravity scale to apply to this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setInertia ( float  value)

Sets the rotational inertia of this body

For static bodies, the mass and rotational inertia are set to zero. When a body has fixed rotation, its rotational inertia is zero.

valuethe rotational inertia of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setLinearDamping ( float  value)

Sets the linear damping for this body.

Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. Damping is different than friction because friction only occurs with contact. Damping is not a replacement for friction and the two effects should be used together.

Damping parameters should be between 0 and infinity, with 0 meaning no damping, and infinity meaning full damping. Normally you will use a damping value between 0 and 0.1. Most people avoid linear damping because it makes bodies look floaty.

valuethe linear damping for this body.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setLinearVelocity ( const Vec2 &  value)

Sets the linear velocity for this physics body

This method converts from a Cocos2D vector type to a Box2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types.

valuethe linear velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setLinearVelocity ( float  x,
float  y 

Sets the linear velocity for this physics body

xthe x-coordinate of the linear velocity
ythe y-coordinate of the linear velocity

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setMass ( float  value)

Sets the mass of this body

The value is usually in kilograms.

valuethe mass of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setName ( string  value)

Sets the physics object tag.

A tag is a string attached to an object, in order to identify it in debugging.

valuethe physics object tag
virtual void Obstacle::setPosition ( const Vec2 &  value)

Sets the current position for this physics body

This method converts from a Cocos2D vector type to a Box2D vector type. This cuts down on the confusion between vector types.

valuethe current position for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setPosition ( float  x,
float  y 

Sets the current position for this physics body

xthe current x-coordinate for this physics body
ythe current y-coordinate for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setRestitution ( float  value)

Sets the restitution of this body

Restitution is used to make objects bounce. The restitution value is usually set to be between 0 and 1. Consider dropping a ball on a table. A value of zero means the ball won't bounce. This is called an inelastic collision. A value of one means the ball's velocity will be exactly reflected. This is called a perfectly elastic collision.

valuethe restitution of this body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

void Obstacle::setSceneNode ( Node *  node)

Sets the scene graph node for drawing purposes.

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

valuethe scene graph node for drawing purposes.

a reference to this scene graph node the previous scene graph node used by this object

Sets the scene graph node for drawing purposes.

The scene graph is completely decoupled from the physics system. The node does not have to be the same size as the physics body. We only guarantee that the node is positioned correctly according to the drawing scale.

valuethe scene graph node for drawing purposes.

a reference to this scene graph node the previous debug graph node used by this object

virtual void Obstacle::setSensor ( bool  value)

Sets whether this object is a sensor.

Sometimes game logic needs to know when two entities overlap yet there should be no collision response. This is done by using sensors. A sensor is an entity that detects collision but does not produce a response.

valuewhether this object is a sensor.

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setSleepingAllowed ( bool  value)

Sets whether the body should ever fall asleep

An sleeping body is one that has come to rest and the physics engine has decided to stop simulating it to save CPU cycles. If a body is awake and collides with a sleeping body, then the sleeping body wakes up. Bodies will also wake up if a joint or contact attached to them is destroyed. You can also wake a body manually.

valuewhether the body should ever fall asleep

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setVX ( float  value)

Sets the x-velocity for this physics body

valuethe x-velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setVY ( float  value)

Sets the y-velocity for this physics body

valuethe y-velocity for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setX ( float  value)

Sets the x-coordinate for this physics body

valuethe x-coordinate for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

virtual void Obstacle::setY ( float  value)

Sets the y-coordinate for this physics body

valuethe y-coordinate for this physics body

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

string Obstacle::toString ( ) const

Returns a string representation of this physics object.

This method converts the physics object into a string for debugging. By default it shows the tag and position. Other physics objects may want to override this method for more detailed information.

a string representation of this physics object
virtual void Obstacle::update ( float  delta)

Updates the object's physics state (NOT GAME LOGIC).

This method is called AFTER the collision resolution state. Therefore, it should not be used to process actions or any other gameplay information. Its primary purpose is to adjust changes to the fixture, which have to take place after collision.

In other words, this is the method that updates the scene graph. If you forget to call it, it will not draw your changes.

dtTiming values from parent loop

Reimplemented in ComplexObstacle, and SimpleObstacle.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

ostream& operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const Obstacle obj 

Outputs this physics object to the given output stream.

This function uses the toString() method to convert the physics object into a string

osthe output stream
objthe physics object to ouput
the output stream

Member Data Documentation

b2BodyDef Obstacle::_bodyinfo

Stores the body information for this shape

WireNode* Obstacle::_debug

The (optional) node for debug drawing.

Vec2 Obstacle::_drawScale

The conversion rate between physics units and drawing units

b2FixtureDef Obstacle::_fixture

Stores the fixture information for this shape

b2MassData Obstacle::_massdata

The mass data of this shape (which may override the fixture)

bool Obstacle::_masseffect

Whether or not to use the custom mass data

Node* Obstacle::_node

The Cocos2D node in the scene graph.

string Obstacle::_tag

A tag for debugging purposes

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