M/F 2:30-3:20   
in G01 Gates Hall

CS 1130: Transition to OO Programming

Spring 2016

Wrapper Classes

Each primitive type has a corresponding wrapper class, which wraps a value of that type and provides constants and functions dealing with that primitive type. We do not go into detail here. Look at the API specs on the web or the ProgramLive CD, page 5-1, for a list of constants and functions for the wrapper classes for the numerical primitive types, which are:

byte:   Byte
short:  Short
int:    Integer
long:   Long
float:  Float
double: Double

For similar information for these wrapper classes:

char:    Character
boolean: Boolean

look at the API specs on the web or the ProgramLive CD, page 5-2. Class Character has functions for converting between lower-case and upper-case, for testing whether a character is a digit, letter, or whitespace, and so on.