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CS 1130: Transition to OO Programming

Spring 2016

In-Class Lecture Summaries

This page lists a summary of the activities of each week, in reverse chronological order. This is your go-to page for downloading in-class handouts and getting caught back up when you get behind. This page is updated dynamically all semester long, with new material added as we get there.

If you want to see what future lectures in this class will be, you should look at the syllabus page.

Week 5

29 February (Monday): Exceptions

[Handout]      [Presentation]

This is the last lecture of the course. It is optional, but important if you plan to take CS 2110, or go on further we Java. We talk about Exceptions, which is how Java reports errors — and possibly recovers from them.

Reading: Chapter 10

Week 4

26 February (Friday): OO Design

[Handout]      [Presentation]

Today we move from just talking about GUI applications to applications in general. How we would design an application like JMan from scratch?

Reading: Sections 12.1 and 12.2

Lab 4: Abstract Classes


This lab introduces you to the useful software-engineering concepts of an "abstract class" and an "abstract method". The topic is covered in Section 4.7 of the class text and on lesson page 4-5 of the ProgramLive CD.

22 February (Monday): GUI Applications

[Handout]      [Presentation]

Today we talk about how to design GUI applications in Java. We have done most of this for you already in JMan, but you may find it useful. There is quite a bit here, so we may spill over into next lecture.

Reading: Sections 17.1 to 17.4

Week 3

19 February (Friday): Casting and Overriding

[Handout]      [Presentation]

Today we learn about the difference between real and apparent types. This is an import distinction when using inheritance in a statically typed language. It is not too difficult once you get used to it, but it requires some practice.

Reading: Section 4.2

Lab 3: Using Vectors


Class java.util.Vector provides the ability to maintain a growable/shrinkable list of objects, which can be of great utility in cases where you do not know ahead of time how many objects will be in the final list. The purpose of this lab is to gain some experience with class Vector and learn just how useful it can be.

15 February (Monday): Inheritance

[Handout]      [Presentation]

Today we address the first truly new concept of object-oriented programming: inheritance. Inheritance is a powerful tool that allows us to build off complex programs built by others. It will be a major part of Assignment 3.

Reading: Section 1.6

Week 2

12 February (Friday): Strings, Wrappers, and Containers

[Handout]      [Presentation]

In this lecture, we start covering material necessary for the final assignment JMan. We introduce the concept of a container, which is an object that contains another object. Java has a lot of different containerst to chose from, and they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Reading: Sections 2.5 and 5.1

Lab 2: Classes and Testing


The purpose of this lab is to get you used to writing methods, and to introduce you to the basics of testing. Adopting a good testing habit will prove to be ' unbelievably useful, particularly for the first assignment.

8 February (Monday): Methods and Constructors

[Handout]      [Presentation]

In this lecture, we provide a model for evaluating methods; this concept will be extremely relevant for the second assignment. We also go into more detail about constructors and specifications

Reading: Sections 2.1 to 2.4, 2.7 and 3.5

Week 1

5 February (Friday): Classes

[Handout]      [Presentation]

In this lecture, we go into more detail about Classes, which are the primary programmable unit in Java. We talk about the relationship with fields and methods, and relate this to what you might have learned about functions in another programming language.

Reading: Sections 1.4 and 1.5

Lab 1: Using the Java API


The purpose of this lab is to get you comfortable with using the classes and objects that are already built into Java. This also means familiarizing yourself with the Java API.

1 February (Monday): Types and Objects

[Handout]      [Presentation]

In this class, we introduce the concept of an Object, which is what gives Object-Oriented programming its name. We present the manilla folder analogy, which is the running analogy for this course. We also introduce the notion of a Class and show how they relate to Objects.

Reading: Sections 1.1 to 1.4

Week 0

29 January (Friday): Introduction

[Handout]      [Presentation]

We provide an introduction to the course. We also introduce the notion of types, which may be new to those of you who have never worked in a statically typed language before.

Lab 0: Evaluating Expressions


The purpose of this lab is two fold. First, it is designed to get you started with DrJava immediately. Second, gives you hands on experience with static types, which you might not be familiar with.