Lecture 01. 05 March (Monday). Java types and expressions and the assignment statement. We discuss Java types, expressions, variable declarations, and assignment statements. We demo everything using DrJava. Lecture handout: pdf   ppt    

Lab 01. Java expressions. This lab involves practice with Java expressions and assignments using the DrJava Interactions pane.   pdf   html

Lecture 02. 07 March (Friday). We define what an object (manilla folder) is and demo the creation and manipulation of objects in DrJava.We introduce the class definition, which describes the format of all objects of a class. We illustrate using a "subclass" of JFrame customized to our needs. We show how to create a class "specification" using the javadoc facility. pdf   ppt

Lecture 03. 12 March (Monday). Fields of an object; getters, setters, constructors
We discuss fields and getter and setter methods for them. We introduce constructors, whose purpose is to initialize (some) fields of a newly created object. And we show how to test programs using a JUnit testing class.  pdf   keynote 

Lab 02. Objects and classes. You will practice creating and manipulating JFrame objects using DrJava's interactions pane. Then, you will write your first class definition —a subclass of JFrame, and experiment with it.    pdf   html

Lecture 04. 14 March (Friday). Testing; the class hierarchy; static variables and methods.
We discuss testing, including with JUnit. We talk about the class hierarchy and show you the superest class of them all: Object. We discuss function toString. We introduce static variables and methods.  pdf   keynote

Lecture 05. 26 March (Monday). Inside-out, super-this, and executing method calls.
We illustrate the inside-out rule for referencing variables and methods, which is used in most programming languages. We discuss this and super. Then, we look more closely at how a method call is executed. We show the four steps involved in executing a method call. We introduce local variables. We now have four kinds of variable: parameter, static variable, field, and local variable. You should know where and how each is declared and what its scope is. We introduce conditional statements and return statements.   pdf   keynote

Evaluating the new-expression. If you are having trouble understanding the new-expression, download file 05-12feb06NewExpression.ppt and open it in powerpoint (if you have it) Then play the presentation. It leads you through evaluation of a new-expression and makes several comments on it.

Lab 03. Two topics: testing and static variables. You will practice creating a test class to test and help find bugs in a class that we give you. Also, we give you some things to do to make clear to you when methods can be made static.  pdf   html

Lecture 06. 28 March (Friday). Odds and ends on classes, wrapper classes, and class Vector.
We make some points about multiple constructors, overriding, and constructors in subclasses. Then discuss the wrapper classes for the primitive types and class Vector.     pdf   ppt

Lecture 07. 02 April (Monday). Drawing and casting about. We work on further issues with classes and subclasses that arise from the distinction between apparent and real classes, and examine the use of casting and instanceof in these contexts.   pdf   keynote

Lab 04. Abstract classes and methods. We introduce the notions of abstract classes and methods and state why they are useful. The example program you may play with (optional) gives you practice with them.    pdf   html

Lecture 08. 06 April (Friday). Exceptions. An "Exception" is an "untoward" event like division by 0 or a subscript out of range. Java has a nice facility for handling and recovering from Exceptions.   pdf   keynote

Lab 05. Reading (and writing) files. We show you how to read a file that is on your hard drive. Reading a keyboard and writing as file is just as easy. Do this lab whenever you want, and show it to a TA or instructor.   pdf   html   code&data

Lab 06 (Optional). Exception handling. This lab is optional, It asks you to study and write code that uses exceptions, throw clauses, try-statements, etc. It's best if you read the chapter on exception handling first.  pdf   doc




Lecture 21. 10 November (Thursday). Listening to GUIs.
We show how to listen to mouse clicks on buttons, mouse clicks in on components, and keystrokes.
pdf   ppt Other examples of gui-listeners: See Chapter 17 of the CD ProgramLive


Lecture 20. 08 Nov (Tuesday). Placing components in GUIs.
We look at placing components in GUIs. The important points we want you to remember is how a BorderLayout manager is used to place components in a JFrame, a FlowLayout manager in a JPanel, and a BoxLayout manager in a Box (and what this all means!). After the lecture, listen to lectures on the CD ProgramLive in chapter 17 --that's the best way to learn the stuff. pdf    ppt