T-Th 9:05
T-Th 11:15
in Olin 155

CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python

Spring 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

WHAT ...
What if I have an exam conflict or special requirement? See the exams page for the make-up petition process.
What if I have a missing lab grade? Contact your section instructor.
WHO ...
Who is my section instructor? See the staff page.
WHY ...
Why do we use Python? We talk about this on the first day of class. Python is a modern, object oriented language that is much more accessible to beginners than traditional OO languages. It is also becoming popular for scientific computation, making it relevant to engineers who do not want to continue on with computer science.
CS 2110 is taught in a different language. Will I be prepared for it after taking CS 1110? CS 2110 is taught in Java, not Python. However, you will learn enough about the principles of object oriented programming in this class that you should be pick up Java with just a little bit of work. We have designed CS 2110 so that the beginning of the course will help you with this transition.
Why do we use Anaconda Python? While your computer may already have Python installed, it is important that everyone use the same version of Python for this class whenever possible. Anaconda is commonly used across platforms and has a variety of nice features.
Why do we use the command shell? As a scripting language, Python is designed with a command shell in mind.
Why should I retrieve and save my graded work? First, feedback on graded work is important for you; it helps you determine what you know and what you need to work on more. Second, you need to check for accuracy in grading and summing of points in case you need to submit a regrade. Third, in case of a lost grade (it happens from time to time), we will need proof that you completed the assignment. Fourth, you should use previous work to study for exams and to learn about mistakes to avoid in the future.
Where are the computer labs? Look at CIT's Public Labs Schedule.
Where do I request a regrade? For assignments submitted online on the course CMS, submit the regrade request on the CMS. Mechanisms for retrieving hardcopy submissions or exams will be announced in lecture.
Where can I find more practice problems?
  • Download the demo code we post for each lecture, remove the contents, and try to reproduce what we did in class.
  • Check out some online coding-practice sites, such as CodingBat.
  • Look at the previous CS1110 exams and their solutions on the Exams page of the course website.
  • Refer to the exercises in your textbook.
  • Look at archived course websites from the CS Home Page and in other programming textbooks.
MAY I ...
May I change my partner? You may have different partners for different projects, but you may not have more than one partner for any assignment. Please review the Assignments page.
May I use PyDef or an actual Python IDE?
May I program in a different language?
You may not use another language. If you want, you may use an actual Python IDE such as PyDef, Wing IDE, or even the commercial Komodo IDE. However, if you do this, you are completely on your own; we only provide support for using a command shell. See our Python page.
HOW ...
How do I get a form verifying my grade signed? Because this requires looking up your scores and making certain determinations, the instructor(s) don't handle this in lecture and the process requires a day or two. Bring your form to the course administrative assistant (see the staff page for office location). They will retain your form and send you an email when the form has been signed and is ready for you to pick up.
How do I print in a public lab?
How do I use Net-Print?
Review the page about Net-Print from CIT.
How do I start an assignment? Read the assignment a few times. Don't expect to absorb it all at once. While reading the assignment, look for clues on what you need to do. When you've figured out the larger tasks, break those large problems into smaller and smaller tasks. Eventually, you can program those smaller tasks!
How do I catch up? I'm lost. Seek help from the CS 1110 staff immediately. We can help you figure out what you need to do.
How do I become a consultant? See the Computer Science Undergraduate Course Staff Positions webpage.

Course Material Authors: E. Andersen, D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan, & W. White