CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Java    Spring 2009  
11640 TR 09:05 Hollister B14 Instructors: David Gries & Lillian Lee  
11641 TR 11:15 Hollister B14 Grade: letter or S/U.   Credits: 4

CS1110 (formerly 100J), Spring 2009. Home page

From the Cornell Courses of Study

CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Java
Fall, spring, summer. 4 credits. Assumes basic high school mathematics (no calculus) but no programming experience.

Programming and problem solving using Java. Emphasizes principles of software development, style, and testing. Topics include object-oriented concepts, procedures and functions, iteration, arrays, strings, algorithms, exceptions, GUIs (graphical user interfaces). Weekly labs provide guided practice on the computer, with staff present to help. Assignments use graphics and GUIs to help develop fluency and understanding.

This web page is for Course CS1110 (previously CS100J).

Click here for information about alternative courses.

Check the announcements

Online course evaluation. Completing the evaluation counts toward our course grade, like a quiz. Completion period ends on 6 May. Here is the course evaluation website.
Review sessions and final. This pdf file file gives you information.
Practice with BigInt. Here is a skeleton for BigInt.java from Prelim 3, with methods written in the order in which they can be developed. Do one or two at a time, test them thoroughly, and move on to the next in order to learn what you missed on prelim 3.
Go green with your computer Cornell is participating in the Power Down for the Planet Challenge. Learn how you can take part and also save CO2 and money.
Participate in Google's FUSE program http://www.google.com/jobs/fuse/. Up to 50 all-expenses paid trips, to NY. 15-17 July. Deadline for application: 1 May.

Those with programming experience! Try writing a few of the problems found here, in any language you want. Email solutions to gries or lee before Thursday morning.

Conditional expressions. We explain conditional expressions here.

Trouble with getting DrJava to work? Email TA BeiBei Zhu at bz68@cornell.edu. She may have difficulty at first, but as she gains experience with your issues, this will improve.

VideoNote.net. Our 11:15 lectures are being recorded, and you can see the videos later at this website: www.videonote.net/. Read more about it on the announcements page.

One-on-one sessions. Find out about the one-on-one sessions, which started on 2 Feb.

Fix your PCs so that extensions (like .java) ALWAYS appear. See announcements page.
Times/places. Prelims/final   Office hrs
Consultants: Green room of the ACCEL Lab. Sun--Thur 4pm--10pm.
AEW sections: CL3 (Uris Library)
Older Announcements. Click here.

Expected outcomes of CS 1110:

(1) Understand OO concepts, as used in Java: classes, subclasses, inheritance, and overriding. This in-cludes an operational model of method calls. Understand the basics of OO design.

(2) Be fluent in the use of procedural statements ---assignments, conditional statements, loops, method calls--- and one-dimensional arrays. Be able to design, code, and test small Java programs that meet requirements expressed in English. This includes a basic understanding of top-down design.

(3) Have knowledge of basic searching and sorting algorithms.

For more information on the course, see its syllabet.


The times for all prelims and the final are given here.
Please be sure you are free at these times.