Donna Bergmark January, 2006
Cornell Computer Science Home phone: (607) 539-6169
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA Email:

Complete List of Publications


D. Bergmark. Focused Crawling and Collection Synthesis, a presentation to the Cornell University Library Metadata Working Group, Dec. 20, 2002. (Slide presentation).   December 2002.

D. Bergmark, Steve Hitchcock, Tim Brody, Christopher Gutteridge, Les Carr, Wendy Hall, Stevan Harnad, and Carl Lagoze.  Open Citation Linking.  D-Lib Magazine (8,10).  October 2002.

D. Bergmark, C. Lagoze, and A. Sbityakov.  Focused Crawls, Tunneling, and Digital Libraries.  ACM European Conference on Digital Libraries, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002. (The paper) (SpringerLink copy)

D. Bergmark.  Using High Performance Systems to Build Collections for a Digital Library.  Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPP 2002 Workshops), Vancouver, Canada, August 18--21, 2002. (Citeseer) (Official Version)

D. Bergmark.  Collection Synthesis.  ACM Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2002, Portland Ore (best paper award), July, 2002. (pdf) (preprint)

D. Bergmark and C. Lagoze. An Architecture for Automatic Reference Linking. Proceedings of the European Conference on Digital Libraries, Darmstadt, DE, September 2001. (pdf)

D. Bergmark and C. Lagoze. An Architecture for Automatic Reference Linking (Extended Version). Technical Report TR2001-1842. Computer Science, Cornell University. September 2001.

D. Bergmark, P. Phempoonpanich, and S. Zhao. ``Scraping the ACM Digital Library''. SIGIR Forum (35,2). Fall 2001.

D. Bergmark.  Automatic Extraction of Reference Linking Information from Online Documents.  Technical Report TR 2000-1821, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, November, 2000. (postscript)(pdf)

D. Bergmark and C. Lagoze.  Reference Linking the Web's Scholarly Papers.  Technical Report TR 2001-1835, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, February, 2001. (postscript)(pdf)

D. Bergmark, W. Arms, and C. Lagoze.  An Architecture for Reference Linking.  Technical Report TR 2000-1820, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, October, 2000. (postscript )(pdf)

D. Bergmark.  Link Accessibility in Electronic Journal Articles.  Technical Report TR 2000-1793, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, March, 2000.(postscript)(pdf)(html)

D. Bergmark and S. Keshav.  Building Blocks for IP Telephony. IEEE Communications Magazine, pages 88-94, April 2000. (IEEE) (postscript)

D. Bergmark.  ITX Programmer's Guide.  Cornell Computer Science Technical Report TR99-1768.

D. Bergmark. Tools for HPF Programmers. A tutorial presented at Supercomputing '97, November 1997. (HTML presentation)

B. Appelbe and D. Bergmark. Software tools for high-performance computing: Survey and recommendations. Scientific Programming, pages 239--249, Fall 1996. 

D. Bergmark. What to expect from an HPF compiler. In Super'96, Ames Iowa, April 1996.

D. Bergmark. Optimization and parallelization of a commodity trade model for the IBM SP1/2 using parallel programming tools. In Proceedings of 1995 International Conference on Supercomputing, Barcelona Spain, pages 227--236. July 1995.

D. Bergmark. The optimization and parallelization of an economic model using KSR programming tools. Invited talk, KSR Users' Group Meeting, Manchester U.K. July 1994.

D. Bergmark and M. Pottle. The optimization and parallelization of a commodity trade model for the SP1, using parallel programming tools.  Technical Report CTC94TR181, Cornell Theory Center, June 1994.

D. Bergmark and D. Presberg. The integration of ParaScope and Lambda. Technical Report CTC94TR180, Cornell Theory Center, June 1994.

D. Bergmark and D. Presberg. Initial experiments in the integration of ParaScope and Lambda. Technical Report CTC93TR136, Cornell Theory Center, June 1993.

D. Bergmark. Update on Tools for parallel programming at the CNSF.  Technical Report CTC93TR123, Cornell Theory Center, March 1993.

D. Bergmark and M. Crovella. Case study in KSR programming: Finding outliers by the minimum volume ellipsoid method. Technical Report CTC92TR107, Cornell Theory Center, October 1992.

C. M. Pancake, P. S. Utter, D. Bergmark, and D. Gannon. Supercomputing '90 BOF session on standardizing parallel trace formats. Technical Report TC91TR53, Cornell Theory Center, March 1991.

C. M. Pancake and D. Bergmark.  Do parallel languages respond to the needs of scientific programmers?. Computer, 23(12):13--23, December 1990.  Also Technical Report CSE89-03, Auburn University, July 1989.

Bergmark, D. Parallel Programming Languages for Scientists. CONPAR 88, C. Jesshope and K. Reinartz, ed., pp. 351--358. Cambridge University Press. (1988)

A. P. Reeves and D. Bergmark. Parallel pascal and the FPS hypercube supercomputer. In Proc. of ICPP 87, August 1987.

Bergmark, D. Programming the FPS T-Series. Proceedings of the 1987 Array Conference, Montreal, April 26-29 1987. (Best Paper Award). More recently published as a Theory Center Technical Report CTC87TR11,  June 1987.

Bergmark, D. Poplawski, D., Francioni, J., Helminen, B. On the Performance of the FPS T-Series Hypercube. Hypercube MultiProcessors 1987, SIAM. Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Hypercube MultiProcessors, Knoxville Sept. 1986. Also published as a technical report: Computer Science Technical Report CS-TR 86-9, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Mich. 49931-1295, October 1986.

Bergmark, D. Occam as a target for higher level language compilers. Fifth Technical Meeting of the occam User Group, Loughborough U., Sept. 1986.

Bergmark. Experiments in Building a GIBBS Database. Technical Report CTC86TR4, Cornell Theory Center, February 1986.

Bergmark. Gibbsgen: Code Generation for GIBBS. Proceedings of SoftFair II, San Francisco, December 1985.

Bergmark. GIBBS - a Programming Environment and Workstation for Scientists. Technical Report CTSSE 84-7, Cornell Theory Center, Oct 1984.

Bergmark & Hanushevsky.  Document Retrieval: A Novel Application for the AP.   Proceedings of the 1980 Users Group Meeting, San Francisco, April 1980. (Best Paper Award)

Bergmark & Salton. Parallel Computations in Information Retrieval.  Technical Report TR80-439, Cornell Computer Science, September 1980.
Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 111: Proceedings of the Conference on Analysing Problem Classes and Programming for Parallel Computing, pages 328-342, 1981.

Bergmark & Salton. A Citation Study of Computer Science Literature. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. PC-22, No. 3, September 1979.  Also Technical Report TR79-364, Cornell Computer Science, January 1979.

Bergmark.  A Fortran Compiler for the AP 190-L.  Presented  in a course entitled ``High Speed Computation: Vector Processing", University of Michigan, August, 1978.

Bergmark. The Design of an AP Fortran Compiler. Proceedings of the FPS Users Meeting, New Orleans, March 1978.

Bergmark and Salton. A Computer Science View Obtained by Automatic Document Processing.   Technical Report TR 77-309, Computer Science Dept., Cornell University, April 1977.

Bergmark, Salton, and Wong. Generation and Search of Clustered Files. Technical Report TR77-299, Cornell Computer Science Dept.,  January, 1977.

Bergmark and Salton. Clustered File Generation and its Application to Computer Science Taxonomies.  IFIPS Conference, Toronto, Aug. 1977.  Also Technical Report TR76-295, Cornell Computer Science, December, 1976.

Bergmark & Owicki. PLC: The Debugger's Dream. The Cornell Engineer, Feb. 1975, pp. 6-13.

Bergmark. User's Guide to Ten Statement FORTRAN. Ithaca College, 1971.

Bergmark. The Effect of Common Words and Synonyms on Retrieval Performance. ISR 18, Report to NSF, October 1970, Section V.


Cornell University Library Metadata Working Group, Dec. 20, 2002.
Workshop on Web Archiving, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 2002.
Workshop on HPF for Real Applications, Vienna, Austria, July 1996.
Super '96!, Ames, Iowa, April 1996.
PERMEAN '95, Beppu Japan August 1995.
KSR Users' Group Meeting, Manchester UK, July 1994.
PVM Users Group Meeting Knoxville TN May 1993.
IBM Europe Institute, Oberlech, Austria Summer 1990.


Editorial Advisory Board for Scientific Programming (IOS Press) 1992-
Reviewer for IEEE Computer Communications 1999-
High Performance Computers and Networking Program Committee, 1998
Scientific Programming Editorial Board 1992-
Reviewer for IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 1994-
Reviewer for IEEE Computer, 1993 -
Reviewer for Supercomputing '94, '95, and '96
NSF Peer Review, Visiting Professorships for Women, Feb. 1996
NSF Peer Reviewer, Advanced Scientific Computing, 1994
DOE Peer Review Panel on Scientific Computing, June 1994
Frontiers '95 Program Committee, 1994
NSF Grant Proposal Peer Reviewer, 1982
First Annual Conference for Information Retrieval, 1978
Acta Informatica, 1977