NESCAI: North East Student Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence

28-29 April 2006, Ithaca, NY

Presentation Guidelines

Note: All papers accepted by NESCAI (including those accepted as oral presentations) will also be presented as posters during one of the poster sessions.


Talks should be 20 minutes long. Every talk will be followed by 5 minutes for questions. Rooms will be equipped with digital projectors and presenters should have their own laptop. We can arrange for a computer to be available if you need it (please contact the PC as soon as possible if you need a computer to be provided).

Please come to your session early to connect your laptop and make sure it works with the projector. This will make the sessions run more smoothly.


Posters for NESCAI should be 4 feet wide by 3 feet high. You may print a large poster, or may attach individual pieces of paper to the back board for the posters. We will provide tacs to attach the posters.