Dexter Kozen
Joseph Newton Pew, Jr. Professor Emeritus
PhD, Cornell University, 1977
Research interests: Logics and semantics of programming languages, algorithms and complexity, especially complexity of decision problems in logic and algebra, probabilistic computation.
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Computer Science Department
436 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853-7501, USA
(607) 255-9209 work
(607) 592-2437 cell
(607) 255-9143 fax (is this even still a thing?)
Office Hours Spring 2025
TTh 1:30-2:30 or by appointment. For appointments, please contact Dexter.
- ECC Project
- KAT Interactive Theorem Prover
- A "lite" version of the KAT Interactive Theorem Prover (OCaml)
- The CoCaml Project
- natural deduction interactive theorem prover for 1st order logic (OCaml)
Recent Courses
- CS 100 S99 Introduction to Computing
- CS 410 F99 Data Structures
- CS 2111 F08 Programming Practicum
- CS 3110 S11 Data Structures and Functional Programming
- CS 2110 F11 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
- CS 2800 F13 Discrete Structures
- CS 6820 F15 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 6810 S17 Theory of Computing
- CS 2112 F18 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures (Honors)
- CS 6860 S19 Logics of Programs
- CS 4820 F20 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 6110 S21 Advanced Programming Languages
- CS 4810 S22 Introduction to Theory of Computing
- CS 6861 S24 Introduction to Kleene Algebra

Rhodes Hall
Recent PhD Students
- Kamal Aboul-Hosn
- Jeff Hartline
- Alexa Sharp
- James Worthington
- Nikos Karampatziakis
- Jean-Baptiste Jeannin
- Konstantinos Mamouras
- Xiang Long
- Michael Roberts
- Pedro Amorim
Family & Fun
- Frances Kozen
- Alexander Kozen
- Geoffrey Kozen
- Timothy Kozen
- Cornell Rugby
- Japan, January 2005
- Germany, Denmark & Estonia, Summer 2006
- CS2110 Games (Sudoku, Rubik's Cube)
- A slide show from my 60th birthday party
- Festschrift from my 60th birthday party
- [1] [2] [3] Some posters from recent musical performances

Arts Quad