In order to develop a model for scattering we first have to understand
how it works. The following figure depicts the different paths that
light can take through a layer of impure calcite.
The light travelling through the crystal can be:
Forward scattering takes place when a light on the other side
of the medium but not on the path of the transmitted ray get scattered
and is therefore visible to the eye. Backward scattering occurs when
light on the same side as the eye gets scattered by the medium and
contributes to the visible light.
To capture these effects of scattering a simplified model of
scattering was developed with the parameters below:
This model is similar to the one presented in the Hanrahan,
Krueger paper except that it is simplified considerably and has terms
that make intuitive sense.
The Henyey-Greenstein phase function is an empirical function
to model anisotropic scattering. In our experiments, we used values of
g that corresponded to large forward scattering. As the figure explains
exp (-sigma_s d) is the probability that there is no scattering.
Similarly, exp (-sigma_a d) is the probability that there is no
absorption. Using similar arguments, we get the following picture:
The weights along each path present the probability that the
path is taken. These weights are used by the ray tracer to weigh the
relative contribution of radiance along that path.
For example the following image shows the two layers
of a stalactite. This is not an actual rendering of the stalactite.
Other optimizations were also added to the ray tracer. For
example, the notion of object space intersection was eliminated and
replaced by world space intersections. This works well when there are
a large collection of triangles in world space that need to be
considered for intersection.
The following image shows stalactites and stalagmites in a
scene without strong back lighting. This scene is rendered with 3
lights symmetrically distributed about the stalactite. The lights have
small red, blue and green components respectively. As we can see the
effects of scattering are not apparent when the stalactite is viewed
from a distance.
Getting the right coefficients for the scattering is
important. In this image I show the effects of using the wrong
coefficients. I used the coefficients of water in this scene and
produced an image that looks very much like water. This makes us
believe that this scattering model will be useful in rendering
Optical properties of calcite
Scattering Model
To use the subsurface scattering model, the concept of layers
was added to the system. During the formation of stalagmites and
stalactites snapshots of the geometry are taken and used as inner
layers during rendering. These layers have material properties with
their scattering and absorption coefficients set appropriately so as to
model different impurities that are deposited over time in real stalactites
and stalagmites. Each layer can have different properties to capture
the effects of a mixture of different impurities deposited in the cave.
Modifications to the ray tracer
In order to render the complex geometry of speleothems several
changes were made to ivray (ray tracer developed for the MIT graphics
course 6.837).
Hierarchical Space Partitioning
The geometry engine has thousands of polygons for each layer
of the speleothem. Some hierarchical partitioning of these polygons is
crucial for the rendering to be done in any reasonable
time. Therefore, the ray tracer organizes objects into a hierarchical
kd-tree. The ray tracer code to traverse the kd-tree using quadtrees
was implemented by
Kavita Bala for her research, and was used here. After building
the kd-tree the ray tracer builds a quadtree adjacent to each kd-tree
cell in the scene. Thus, when a ray intersects a cell, the ray tracer
can very efficiently use the quadtree to figure out the next cell in
the scene that should be visited.
Gaussian Normal Smoothing
The output of the geometry engine is a large number of
polygons. However, stalactites and stalagmites are smooth. Therefore,
it was necessary to add normal smoothing to the ray tracer. This was
done by applying a Gaussian filter to the normals of all polygons
adjacent to a vertex to get the vertex's normal. The normals at each
vertex of a polygon were then interpolated using Barycentric weights
to get the normal for each point inside the polygon. The following
color-coded image shows the normals for a stalactite. The LHS image
shows the real normals of each polygon. The RHS image shows the normals
after gaussian filtering and barycentric interpolation. The normals in the
RHS are very smooth and achieve the properties we desire.
Level of Detail
Since the geometry engine can output a large number of very
tiny polygons, it was necessary to add resampling to the system. We
realized that our resampling could also be used to generate ouput at
different levels of details. While we have not yet automated this
process we would like to vary the LOD automatically based on the
average distance of the central axis of the stalactite from the
eye. This should be very easy to add to the system. Resampling is
implemented by sampling uniformly about the central axis of the
Using the modified ray tracer, the following pictures were
generated. Each image took about 30-45 minutes to generate on a 250MHz
MIPS R4400. The first two images depict rendered stalactites with
strong backlighting. The bring out the effect of scattering in
stalactites. In the first image, the LHS stalactite has a very
intense light directly behind it. In this image, layering of the
stalactites is also apparent.
Future Work
There are several areas in which we could extend this work:
We have designed and implemented a model for the growth of
stalactites and stalagmites. We have also designed and implemented a
model for the scattering of light for multiple layers of particles. We
have developed techniques to improve the performance of our ray tracer
and have made rendering complex speleothems feasible. We have also
presented results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our models.
Page maintained by:
Kavita Bala