Information for Prospective Graduate Students

Thank you for your interest in my group, and in Cornell. If you are already in the graduate program at Cornell, please stop by my office or drop me a note if you are interested in working with me. You can also talk to some of my current Ph.D. students to find out what we do.

Every year I get a large number of requests from students that would like me to "... evaluate their chances of admission ..." into Cornell's Ph.D. program, or asking me if I am interested in their application. Unfortunately, the number of these requests is so large that I cannot possibly respond to them in any meaningful fashion. That is why I have provided some information here that may prove useful.

How to work with me.  I am always looking for talented students, especially if you have a creative flair for computing/physics/graphics/math/sound/etc and want to do something different. The best way to work with me is to apply to the Ph.D. program of the CS Department, or that of the Center for Applied Mathematics. If you are in CS, you can also do a minor in applied math. I strongly encourage you to apply.

Admissions Process.  Cornell CS & AM have graduate admissions committees that evaluate all applicants, and they do an outstanding job in selecting exceptional students for admission. It is competitive, but if you are good you will get in. I do not interfere with the operation of the admissions committees. All of our graduate admissions are to the "department" as a whole, not to work with an individual faculty member.  However, if you're specifically interested in working with me, you can say so in your application. If you are admitted, I will be happy to talk and hopefully work with you. You can find all the information you need to submit your application online:

Also, I do not have any "openings" in my group in the traditional sense. I am unlikely to offer a research assistantship to a student that I do not know (either directly, or indirectly via faculty that I know at other institutions), unless advised to do so by the admissions committee.

The Program of Computer Graphics (PCG).  You may be interested in the PCG master's program run by Donald P. Greenberg, however I am not involved in their admissions process or the advising of PCG masters students.

Your resume, GRE scores, etc.  I personally do not care about GRE scores (unless they are exceptionally low without any explanation as to why that might be the case). Sending me these, a generic resume, or any other information that is part of your application file will not affect your chances of admission.

MEng students.  You may also be interested in our 1-year MEng program, however realistically you may not have enough time to pursue research with me.

Contacting me.  If you are truly serious about being a member of my research group, I expect that you will have carefully looked through my group web pages, and even read some of my papers. In general, I will be more inclined to respond to a student that has taken the trouble to determine what my research interests are, and a student that has questions other than those of the generic type. This means more than just knowing that I am interested in "computer graphics" or "animation" or "sound rendering" or "deformable models." Generic questions also include "are you looking for students," "what are my chances of admission," etc.  I am always looking for talented students, so I encourage you to apply.

Thank you for taking the time to read this page, and good luck with your graduate studies.


Acknowledgement: Thank you to Rajit Manohar (Cornell, ECE) for taking the time to write down most of this information, which I have edited in order to save time.
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