PBS produced an animated educational video showcasing our work on antisocial behavior
Interviewed by BBC on Behaving Better Online (write-up version here)
Our work on causes of trolling was featured on PRI’s Innovation Hub podcast
Our work on bias in sport journalism was featured by the New York Times
Our work on winning arguments was featured on NPR’s All Things Considered
Our work on causes of trolling was covered by The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, BBC and The Times
Our work on winning arguments was features on the You Are Not So Smart podcast
Our tie-breaker paper was covered by Pacific Standard Magazine
Our work on betrayal was featured in the The Wall Street Journal
Our work on antisocial behavior was featured on BBC
Our work on winning arguments was covered by Washington Post, New York Magazine and others
Our work on betrayal was covered by Science News, CNN, New York Magazine and others
Our work on media bias and quoting patterns was covered by Science News
Our work on antisocial behavior was covered by The Daily Dot, The Guardian, Wired and others
Our linguistic change paper was mentioned in The New York Times
Our conversation threads paper was mentioned in The New York Times
Our How to Ask for a Favor paper was featured in Huffington Post and other media outlets
Our memorability paper was featured in The New York Times
Our memorability paper was featured in New Scientist, NPR and other media outlets
Our Echoes of Power paper was featured in MIT’s Technology Review blog
Our work on linguistic coordination in movie dialogs was featured on
Released the Cornell Conversational Analysis Toolkit (ConvoKit)
Released a new dataset of interactions with with intention and perception labels for deception
Released code for measuring linguistic coordination in conversations
Released the Cornell LaTeX Macro Dataset
Released the Intelligence Squared Debate Dataset
Released a dataset of tennis post-game interviews
Released the Cornell ChangeMyView dataset
Released a dataset of interactions in online Diplomacy games
Released the QUOTUS interactive visualization of how the media quotes Obama
Released a dataset of quotes by news outlets from White House speeches
Released the Stanford Politeness API and the Politeness Web App
Released a dataset of figurative and literal comparisons
Released the Pizza Request Dataset
Released the Stanford Politeness Corpus
Released a collection of bias-driven Wikipedia edits, a bias lexicon and the NPOV corpus
Released the Wikipedia Talk Page Conversations Corpus and the Supreme Court Dialogs Corpus
Released the Cornell Movie--Quotes Corpus
Released the Cornell Movie--Dialogs Corpus
Released data for studying hedging and framing in GMO debates
Released data for lexical simplification
Released a collection of English downward entailing operators (and one for Romanian)
Selected as a Faculty Fellow at the Cornell Center for Social Sciences
NSF CAREER Award for developing artificial conversational intuition
AI for Everyone Challenge Award for addressing online anti-social behavior
Best Paper Award at CSCW 2017
Best paper award at the IJCAI workshop on NLP Meets Journalism
Our work on antisocial behavior won an Honorable Mention at ICWSM 2015
Play StreetCrowd --- a collaborative world-exploration game we developed
Check how polite your requests are using our Politeness Web App
Check out how the media quotes Obama in our QUOTUS interactive visualization
Co-organizing the ACL Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science
Panelist at the ACL Workshop on Language and Social Dynamics (Baltimore, June 27)
Our linguistic change paper won the Best Paper Award at WWW 2013
Our computational politeness paper was nominated for the Best Paper Award at ACL 2013
Spring 2011: Co-Piloting CS6742: Natural Language Processing and Social Interaction
Computational Social Science Conference @ Stanford University, September 27, 2013
IS Colloquium @ Cornell University, October 2, 2013
Joint Lecture Series @ MPI INF/SWS, November 6, 2013
Chair of Systems Design @ ETH Zürich, December 4, 2013
Department of Informatics Colloquium @ University of Zürich, December 5, 2014
ACL Workshop on Language and Social Dynamics (Panelist) @ Baltimore, June 27, 2014
Google @ Mountain View, July 1, 2014
Facebook @ Menlo Park, July 7, 2014
Social Impact Through Network Science Workshop @ Varenna, October 14-17, 2014
Computational Linguistics in Political Science Conference @ Mannheim, October 31, 2014
Interaction and Exchange in Social Media Workshop @ Barcelona, November 10, 2014
Computational Social Science: Bridging Computer Science and Social Psychology @ SPSP, February 28, 2015
ICWSM Workshop: Wikipedia a Social Pedia @ Oxford, May 26, 2015
University of Chicago @ Chicago, November 5, 2015
University of Washington @ Seattle, December 7, 2015
Microsoft Research @ Redmond, December 8, 2015
NYU Text as Data Speaker Series @ New York City, March 24, 2016
IPAM’s Culture Analysis program @ UCLA, Los Angeles, May 23, 2016
Social Impact Through Network Science Workshop @ Venice, June 8-10, 2016
Invited talk at the World Well-Being Project @ UPenn, Philadelphia, September 23, 2017
Invited talk at the LTI Colloquium @ CMU, Pittsburg, September 30, 2017
Discussant at the Text as Data Conference @ Northeastern, Boston, October 14, 2017
Keynote at SocialNLP @ EMNLP, Austin, November 1, 2017
Keynote at NLP+CSS @ EMNLP, Austin, November 5, 2017
Invited Tutorial on NLP for CSS @ NIPS, Barcelona, December 5, 2017 with Lillian Lee [slides]
Invited talk at the Wisdom from Words Symposium @ SPSP, San Antonio, January 21, 2017
Keynote at Wikipedia Workshop @ WWW, Perth, April 4, 2017
Invited talk at the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit: The Edge of AI @ Redmond, July 18, 2017
Invited talk at the Google NLP/NLU Workshop @ Google New York, July 27, 2017
Keynote at the Workshop on NLP+Journalism @ EMNLP, Copenhagen, September 7, 2017
Invited talk at Georgetown University @ Washington DC, October 13, 2017
Keynote at the AAAI Workshop on Affective Content Analysis @ New Orleans, February 3, 2018
Invited talk at Università Bocconi @ Milano, Italy, June 18, 2018
Main conference keynote at NLPCC @ Hohhot, China, August 29, 2018
Invited talk at Bloomberg @ NYC, November 8, 2018
Invited talk at Wisdom from Words @ Choice Symposium, Cambridge, MD, May 28, 2019
Invited talks at Berkeley @ September 23 and 24, 2019
Discussant at the Text as Data Conference @ Stanford, October 4-5, 2019
Invited talk at UC Davis @ October 18, 2019
ML Theory and Methods in Sociology @ Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, NJ, March 5, 2020
Civility in Online Discourse main conference panel at WWW2020 @ Taipei, Taiwan, April 24, 2020
Keynote at Affective Content Workshop @ AAAI 2021
Keynote at Causal Inference and NLP @ EMNLP 2021
Keynote at SocialNLP workshop @ NAACL 2022
Keynote at the International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), July 19-22, 2022