Proj 1 is due 11:59 pm on Mon, Feb 20.
You may work in teams of two if you wish. You may use the following
data file and loader to run basic tests: glinkW.txt and load_glinkW.m.
Proj 2 is due 11:59 on Fri, Mar 16. You
may work in teams of two if you wish. The prompt refers to the
following data file and scripts: blurry.png, p2setup.m,
p2runner.m, and p2image.m.
Proj 3 is due 11:59 on Mon, Apr 16. You
should probably plan to work in groups of two. UPDATE: Based on what
I've seen on Piazza over the weekend, the project 3 deadline has been
moved back by one day, to Tuesday, Apr 17 at 11:59. The late deadline
(for 10% penalty) is Thursday at 11:59. Please note that I have office
hours on Tuesday and Thursday, 11-12, and Asher has office hours on