SLK/Jigsaw Software

SLK Java Package

SLK/Jigsaw 1.0alpha3 Servlet Extension

SLK/Jigsaw info

Wrapper Generator

[This page is under construction.]

The SLK software release consists of two parts:

The SLK Java package contains some basic dynamic protection mechanisms for fine-grain sharing. Click here to download the zipped package.

The SLK servlet extension augments the Jigsaw HTTP server with servlets functionality based on the Jeeves 2.0 API. Protection across the Jigsaw and the servlet boundaries is attained using various kinds of SLK wrappers.

To use the SLK servlet extension, you need to first download W3C's Jigsaw version 1.0alpha3. Then click here to download the zipped extension, and include it in the classpath when running Jigsaw.

Chi-Chao Chang


Last updated 16/06/98