Package polyglot.util

Classes to provide compiler utilities, such as data structures and convenience classes.


Interface Summary
Copy Interface used to copy objects.
ErrorQueue A ErrorQueue handles outputing error messages.
Predicate Predicate Overview: This interface provides a general means for describing predicates about objects.
Transformation Transformation Overview: This interface provides a general means for transforming objects.

Class Summary
AbstractErrorQueue A StdErrorQueue handles outputing error messages.
Assert Assert Overview: Assert contains a few methods helpful for implementing assertions in Java.
Base64 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
BitVector A bit vector class implemented more naively than java.util.BitSet.
CachingTransformingList This subclass of TransformingList applies the transformation to each element of the underlying list at most once.
CodeWriter A CodeWriter is a pretty-printing engine.
CollectionUtil Collection utilities.
ConcatenatedIterator ConcatenatedIterator Overview: This iterator wraps other iterators, and returns all their elements in order.
Enum An enumerated type.
ErrorInfo Information about an error message.
FilteringIterator FilteringIterator Overview: This iterator wraps another iterator, and returns only those elements for which a given predicate is true.
IdentityKey Class to be used for inserting objects in hashtables using pointer equality.
NestedMap A NestedMap is a map which, when it cannot find an element in itself, defers to another map.
NilMap This class represents a constant map which never contains any elements.
Pair A two-element tuple.
Position This class represents a posiiton within a file.
SilentErrorQueue A SilentErrorQueue records but does not output error messages.
StdErrorQueue A StdErrorQueue handles outputing error messages.
StringUtil String utilities.
SubtypeSet Class to implement sets containing polyglot.types.Type .
TransformingIterator TransformingIterator Overview: This is a swiss-army-knife of iterators.
TransformingList This unmodifiable List supports performing an arbitrary transformation on the underlying list's elements.
TypedList A TypedList is an List which will not allow members not belonging to a given type to be added to a collection.
TypedListIterator A TypedListIterator is an ListIterator which will not allow members not belonging to a given type to be added to a collection.
TypeEncoder The TypeEncoder gives the ability to encode a polyglot Type as a Java string.
TypeInputStream Input stream for reading type objects.
TypeOutputStream Output stream for writing type objects.
UnicodeWriter Output stream for writing unicode.
UniqueID A unique identifier generator.
WorkList This class represents a set of calculations to be performed, some of which have already been completed.

Exception Summary
ErrorLimitError Exception thrown when the number of errors exceeds a limit.
InternalCompilerError Exception thrown when the compiler is confused.

Package polyglot.util Description

Classes to provide compiler utilities, such as data structures and convenience classes.