Class Summary | |
AbstractBlock_c | A Block represents a Java block statement -- an immutable
sequence of statements. |
AbstractDelFactory_c | This abstract implementation of DelFactory provides
a way of chaining together DelFactories, and default implementations
of factory methods for each node. |
AbstractExtFactory_c | This abstract implementation of ExtFactory provides
a way of chaining together ExtFactories, and default implementations
of factory methods for each node. |
AbstractNodeFactory_c | This is a node factory that creates no nodes. |
AmbAssign_c | A AmbAssign represents a Java assignment expression to
an as yet unknown expression. |
AmbExpr_c | An AmbExpr is an ambiguous AST node composed of a single
identifier that must resolve to an expression. |
AmbPrefix_c | An AmbPrefix is an ambiguous AST node composed of dot-separated
list of identifiers that must resolve to a prefix. |
AmbQualifierNode_c | An AmbQualifierNode is an ambiguous AST node composed of
dot-separated list of identifiers that must resolve to a type qualifier. |
AmbReceiver_c | An AmbReceiver is an ambiguous AST node composed of
dot-separated list of identifiers that must resolve to a receiver. |
AmbTypeNode_c | An AmbTypeNode is an ambiguous AST node composed of
dot-separated list of identifiers that must resolve to a type. |
ArrayAccess_c | An ArrayAccess is an immutable representation of an
access of an array member. |
ArrayAccessAssign_c | A ArrayAccessAssign_c represents a Java assignment expression
to an array element. |
ArrayInit_c | An ArrayInit is an immutable representation of
an array initializer, such as { 3, 1, { 4, 1, 5 } }. |
ArrayTypeNode_c | A TypeNode represents the syntactic representation of a
Type within the abstract syntax tree. |
Assert_c | An Assert is an assert statement. |
Assign_c | An Assign represents a Java assignment expression. |
Binary_c | A Binary represents a Java binary expression, an
immutable pair of expressions combined with an operator. |
Block_c | A Block represents a Java block statement -- an immutable
sequence of statements. |
BooleanLit_c | A BooleanLit represents a boolean literal expression. |
Branch_c | A Branch is an immutable representation of a branch
statment in Java (a break or continue). |
Call_c | A Call is an immutable representation of a Java
method call. |
CanonicalTypeNode_c | A CanonicalTypeNode is a type node for a canonical type. |
Case_c | A Case is a representation of a Java case
statement. |
Cast_c | A Cast is an immutable representation of a casting
operation. |
Catch_c | A Catch represents one half of a try-catch
statement. |
CharLit_c | An CharLit represents a literal in java of
char type. |
ClassBody_c | A ClassBody represents the body of a class or interface
declaration or the body of an anonymous class. |
ClassDecl_c | A ClassDecl is the definition of a class, abstract class,
or interface. |
ClassLit_c | A ClassLit represents a class literal expression. |
Conditional_c | A Conditional is a representation of a Java ternary
expression. |
ConstructorCall_c | A ConstructorCall_c represents a direct call to a constructor. |
ConstructorDecl_c | A ConstructorDecl is an immutable representation of a
constructor declaration as part of a class body. |
Disamb_c | Utility class which is used to disambiguate ambiguous AST nodes (Expr, Type, Receiver, Qualifier, Prefix). |
Do_c | A immutable representation of a Java language do statement. |
Empty_c | Empty is the class for a empty statement (;) . |
Eval_c | An Eval is a wrapper for an expression in the context of
a statement. |
Expr_c | An Expr represents any Java expression. |
Ext_c | Ext is the super type of all node extension objects. |
Field_c | A Field is an immutable representation of a Java field
access. |
FieldAssign_c | A FieldAssign_c represents a Java assignment expression to
a field. |
FieldDecl_c | A FieldDecl is an immutable representation of the declaration
of a field of a class. |
FloatLit_c | A FloatLit represents a literal in java of type
float or double . |
For_c | An immutable representation of a Java language for
statement. |
Formal_c | A Formal represents a formal parameter for a procedure
or catch block. |
If_c | An immutable representation of a Java language if statement. |
Import_c | An Import is an immutable representation of a Java
import statement. |
Initializer_c | An Initializer is an immutable representation of an
initializer block in a Java class (which appears outside of any
method). |
Instanceof_c | An Instanceof is an immutable representation of
the use of the instanceof operator. |
IntLit_c | An IntLit represents a literal in Java of an integer
type. |
JL_c | JL_c is the super class of JL node delegates objects. |
Labeled_c | Am immutable representation of a Java statement with a label. |
Lit_c | Lit represents any Java literal. |
Local_c | A local variable expression. |
LocalAssign_c | A LocalAssign_c represents a Java assignment expression
to a local variable. |
LocalClassDecl_c | A local class declaration statement. |
LocalDecl_c | A LocalDecl is an immutable representation of the declaration
of a local variable. |
Loop_c | An immutable representation of a Java language while
statement. |
MethodDecl_c | A method declaration. |
New_c | A New is an immutable representation of the use of the
new operator to create a new instance of a class. |
NewArray_c | A NewArray represents a new array expression such as new
File[8][] { null } . |
Node_c | A Node represents an AST node. |
NodeFactory_c | A NodeFactory constructs AST nodes. |
NullLit_c | The Java literal null . |
NumLit_c | An integer literal: longs, ints, shorts, bytes, and chars. |
PackageNode_c | A PackageNode is the syntactic representation of a
Java package within the abstract syntax tree. |
Return_c | A Return represents a return statement in Java. |
SourceCollection_c | A SourceCollection represents a collection of source files. |
SourceFile_c | A SourceFile is an immutable representations of a Java
langauge source file. |
Special_c | A Special is an immutable representation of a
reference to this or super
Stmt_c | A Stmt represents any Java statement. |
StringLit_c | A StringLit represents an immutable instance of a
String which corresponds to a literal string in Java code. |
Switch_c | A Switch is an immutable representation of a Java
switch statement. |
SwitchBlock_c | A SwitchBlock is a list of statements within a switch. |
Synchronized_c | An immutable representation of a Java language synchronized
block. |
Term_c | A Term represents any Java expression or statement on which
dataflow can be performed. |
Throw_c | A Throw is an immutable representation of a throw
statement. |
Try_c | An immutable representation of a try block, one or more
catch blocks, and an optional finally block. |
TypeNode_c | A TypeNode is the syntactic representation of a
Type within the abstract syntax tree. |
Unary_c | A Unary represents a Java unary expression, an
immutable pair of an expression and an operator. |
While_c | An immutable representation of a Java language while
statement. |
AST node implementations for the base compiler.