Interface ProcedureDecl

All Superinterfaces:
ClassMember, java.lang.Cloneable, CodeDecl, Copy, JL, Node, NodeOps, Term
All Known Subinterfaces:
CofferConstructorDecl, CofferMethodDecl, ConstructorDecl, MethodDecl
All Known Implementing Classes:
CofferConstructorDecl_c, CofferMethodDecl_c, ConstructorDecl_c, MethodDecl_c

public interface ProcedureDecl
extends CodeDecl

A procedure declaration. A procedure is the supertype of methods and constructors.

Method Summary
 Flags flags()
          The procedure's flags.
 java.util.List formals()
          The procedure's formal parameters.
 java.lang.String name()
          The procedure's name.
 ProcedureInstance procedureInstance()
          The procedure type object.
 java.util.List throwTypes()
          The procedure's exception throw types.
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.ast.CodeDecl
body, body, codeInstance
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.ast.Term
acceptCFG, entry, exceptions, exceptions, reachable, reachable
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.ast.Node
childExpectedType, del, del, dump, ext, ext, ext, ext, position, position, visit, visitChild, visitEdge, visitList
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.ast.JL
init, node
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.ast.NodeOps
addDecls, addMembers, addMembersEnter, buildTypes, buildTypesEnter, disambiguate, disambiguateEnter, enterScope, enterScope, exceptionCheck, exceptionCheckEnter, prettyPrint, throwTypes, translate, typeCheck, typeCheckEnter, visitChildren
Methods inherited from interface polyglot.util.Copy

Method Detail


Flags flags()
The procedure's flags.


java.lang.String name()
The procedure's name.


java.util.List formals()
The procedure's formal parameters.

A list of Formal.


java.util.List throwTypes()
The procedure's exception throw types.

A list of TypeNode.


ProcedureInstance procedureInstance()
The procedure type object. This field may not be valid until after signature disambiguation.