Communication Aids

Communication Aid

Reflective Design and Communication Aids

Technology affects the way we exchange thoughts, messages, or information. Whether by writing, speech, or behavior, our methods of communication are increasingly mediated by technology. As the user comes to terms with the role of technology in communication, both its positive and negative effects, they may be able to make informed decisions about how to use technology (or not use it) in their daily lives. The goal of this piece is to provide an opportunity for people to experiment with and ultimately better understand the role of technology in mediating communication.

A Reflective Design for a Communication Aid(e)

Communication is the art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas. This transfer of information and ideas is the purpose of many technological mechanisms. A similar focus on dialogue between designer and user often lags behind the pure functionalism of the technologies themselves.

In order that we as designers understand the role of technology in communication, we have designed a system that examines the ways in which a device can either augment or detract from a dialogue. One manifestation or display of this concept is the communicationAide, which consists of a membrane that mediates between two people as they attempt to carry on a conversation. Participants enter adjacent booths and communicate through the membrane. As the dialogue progresses, sometimes they can see, type, hear and/or speak. By individually controlling the amount of visual, textual and verbal communication, the user will recognize the importance of those subtleties in communication. A careful study of how the users' communication changes and adapts could help us as designers to understand the roles of technology on communication.

As a system for the transmission of information (sending and receiving messages), the Communication Aid is highly impractical. Its function is to demonstrate that communication technologies have a real effect on what and how we communicate. Because of this goal, the primary users of this membrane would be visitors to a gallery display of similar prototypical irrational devices. As a window frame, it could mediate many different environments: between offices, bedrooms, neighbors, restaurant booths, etc.

Devices mediate communication.

One might question why we designed a device that methodically hinders communication. The term "aide" might be used to describe a device that assists. But in this case the technology seems to hinder communication. While it does make the communication more artificial and mediated, we question whether this actually represents a hindering of the communication. By systematically removing certain aspects of human communication, we can see each part's effect on the overall dialogue. Based on how the dialogue is inhibited, communication takes on a new dynamic. In this sense the Communication Aid might not "aid" us in communicating through the device, but rather helps us to communicate as designers about the device. Through these discussions about the communication aid, we have come to a better understanding of the effects of technology on communication. As we continue to design new speculative technologies, we hope that these lessons, and others to come, will help us to be more sensitive to the effects of our design decisions.

While designing this apparatus we have had many interesting discussions about the importance of technology in mediating communication. We hope that as others use the speculative technology that they too will question and come to better understand the role that technology can play in enhancing or distracting a dialogue.

A map of the communicationAide.

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