
Software (Version 1.0): Using MultiNet

Steps on How to Use MultiNet

The instructions on this page assume that you have correctly installed MultiNet using the steps described on the MultiNet install page.
  • To add another network, use: "MultiNet addnetwork -ssid < ssid > -mode < mode >", where < ssid > is the ssid of the network, and < mode > is the mode, either AH (ad hoc) or IS (infrastructure), of the network you want to add.
  • To remove connectivity to a network, use: "MultiNet removenetwork -ssid < ssid > -mode < mode >", where < ssid > is the ssid of the network, and < mode > is the mode, either AH (ad hoc) or IS (infrastructure), of the network you want to disconnect from.
  • To change parameters of a network, use: "MultiNet changeparams -ssid < ssid > -mode < mode > -op < value > ", where < ssid > is the ssid of the network, and < mode > is the mode, either AH (ad hoc) or IS (infrastructure), of the network for which you want to change the parameter. The op is either:
  • switch : for the maximum time (in milliseconds) for your card to switch to this network. See FAQ on what are good values for this parameter.
  • wait : for the amount of time (in milliseconds) you want to stay in this network in addition to the time for switching to this network. The card waits for a wait time in addition to the switch time after switching to a network.
  • isAdapt : MultiNet uses adaptive switching to determine the amount of time to stay on a network if this value is 1, and uses the values specified by the user if this value is 0. By default, MultiNet uses adaptive switching.

  • An Example

    If we were connected to an infrastructure network called rover, and wanted simultaneous connectivity to an ad hoc network with ssid multinet, with non-adaptive switching, and a switch time of 500 ms for the infrastructure network, then our sequence of commands would be as follows:
  • net stop wzcsvc
  • multinet install
  • multinet addnetwork -ssid multinet -mode ah
  • multinet changeparams -ssid rover -mode is -switch 500 -isadapt 0
  • In the screen snapshot after running the above commands, we see two new virtual adapters, with the following names: MultiNet IS rover and MultiNet AH multinet corresponding to the two networks. The task manager also shows the service, and the corresponding executable MultiNetSvc.exe, which is created and started by the installer. The name of the service is MultiNetService.

    Tests for Checking Correctness

    The following tests could be used to verify the correct operation of MultiNet:
  • Check if you can independently associate with each network, and whether you get a valid IP address. This should be done before you install MultiNet.
  • After installing MultiNet, or after adding a network, check to see on the network connections window for virtual adapter corresponding to each connection, and if all virtual miniports get a valid IP address.
  • Our multinethelper utility should also be used for verification with the following steps:
  • Check to see if MultiNet is attempting to connect to the correct number of networks by using: "multinethelper.exe -getNumNetworks"
  • "multinethelper.exe -getssid" gives the SSID of the current network to which the card is connected. Periodically checking this value will inform you if the card is really switching across different SSIDs.
  • "multinethelper.exe -getmode" gives the current mode of the current network. Periodically executing this command will tell you if the card is really switching across different network modes.
  • "multinethelper.exe -getSwitchTime" and "multinethelper.exe -getWaitTime" can be used to verify that MultiNet is using the correct parameters for different networks.
  • Ping machines on all the networks. This should be successful if MultiNet is running correctly.

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