Associate Professor
Co-Director, Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts

438 Gates Hall
Computer Science Dept.
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

(607) 255-7673
(607) 255-4428 fax

Twitter: el33th4xor
Blog: Hacking, Distributed

Teaching - Past Semesters

Spring 2014 CS 6452, Datacenter Networking and Services A graduate course on datacenter networking and software infrastructure.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2013 CS 4410, Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems.
Spring 2013 CS 6452, Datacenter Networking and Services A graduate course on datacenter networking and software infrastructure.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2012 CS 4410, Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems.
Spring 2012 CS 6452, Datacenter Networking and Services A graduate course on datacenter networking and software infrastructure.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2011 CS 4410, Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Spring 2011 CS 6460, Datacenter Networking and Services A graduate course on datacenter networking and software infrastructure.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2010 CS 4410, Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Spring 2010 CS 6460, Peer-to-Peer Systems Introduction to advanced distributed systems, with a peer-to-peer focus.
Fall 2009 CS 4410, Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems.
ENG 1050, Engineering Seminar Advising seminar for incoming first-year undergraduates in the School of Engineering. The course aims to introduce students to resources available on and off campus, to provide insight into different degree programs, and to cultivate habits to succeed in their studies.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Spring 2007 CS 615, Peer-to-Peer Systems A graduate course on peer-to-peer systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2006 CS 316, Systems Programming Introduction to systems programming, computer organization and the hardware/software interface.
ENGRG 150, Engineering Seminar Advising for first-year engineering undergraduates.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Spring 2006 CS 615, Peer-to-peer Systems A graduate course on peer-to-peer systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be reading recent papers on systems topics.
Fall 2005 CS 314 Computer Organization Introduction to processor architecture and computer organization.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be discussing papers from SOSP & SIGCOMM.
Spring 2005 CS 714 Topics in Computer Systems Peer-to-peer systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be discussing papers from OSDI & SIGCOMM.
Fall 2004 CS 314 Computer Organization Introduction to processor architecture and computer organization.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be discussing papers from OSDI, Oakland & SIGCOMM.
Spring 2004 CS 414/415 Operating Systems Introduction to Operating Systems.
The Cornell Systems Lunch We will be discussing papers from NSDI, SOSP, Oakland, SIGCOMM, etc.
Fall 2003 CS 615, Adaptive Systems A course on self-organization in operating systems. This course will focus on ad hoc networks and P2P systems.
The Cornell systems lunch We will be discussing papers from the upcoming SOSP conference.
Spring 2003 CS 414/415 Operating Systems Introduction to Operating Systems.
The Cornell systems lunch We will examine papers on p2p applications, as well as recent significant papers in systems.
Fall 2002 CS 615, Adaptive Systems A course on self-organization in operating systems. This course will focus on mobile systems, ad hoc routing, and P2P systems.
The Cornell systems lunch We will be discussing recent papers from OSDI and ASPLOS.
Spring 2002 CS 414/415 Operating Systems Introduction to Operating Systems.
The Cornell systems lunch We will concentrate on p2p, distributed systems & wireless networking papers.
Fall 2001 CS 615, Adaptive Systems A course on self-organization in operating systems. This course covers ad-hoc routing algorithms, operating system support for mobility and peer-to-peer systems.
The Cornell systems lunch We will discuss papers from the 18th SOSP conference.
Spring 2001 CS 414/415 Operating Systems Introduction to Operating Systems.
