Instructor: Rafael Pass
Time: TR 1:25-2:40
Place: 111 Upson
Course Web page:
Office Hours: TBA
Place: TBA
Graduate introductory class in computational complexity. Principal topics include:
CS 3810 and CS 4820 or 6820 or permission of instructor. (COM S 381 or 481 and COMS S 482 or 681 or permission of instructor.)
The main skills that will be assumed from these courses are: 1) the ability to understand and write formal mathematical definitions and proofs and 2) comfort with reasoning about algorithms, such as proving their correctness and analyzing their running times. It is also important that you are familiar with basic probability, and basic complexity classes such as P and NP.
We are using the course management system, CMS. Please login to and check whether you are registered. There will be a list of courses you are registered for, and Com S 6810 should be one of them. If not, please send your full name and Cornell netid to the TA so they can register you. You can check your grades and submit homework in CMS.
There will be roughly 3-4 homeworks and a final project. Students are also required to scribe lecture notes. A first draft of the scribe notes should be handed in within 24 hours of the lecture. Use this template to scribe.
HW 1 is due on Feb 3. A handout on notation and basic probability.
Homeworks need to be handed in before the beginning of class. Additionally, you have a total of 4 “late-days” that you can use throughout the semester.
You are free to collaborate with other students on the homework, but you
must turn in your own individually written solution and you must specify the
names of your collaborators. Additionally, you may make use of published
material, provided that you acknowledge all sources used. Note that it is a
violation of this policy to submit a problem solution that you are unable to
explain orally to a member of the course staff.
Assignments will be posted in CMS. Submit hardcopy in class or to the TA by the
due date, or as a .pdf, .ps, .doc, or .txt file in CMS.
Typed problem sets are strongly preferred.
There is no single required text. You may find the following books to be useful references. Note, however, that we will not always be following the same notational conventions as these books.
ˇ Dexter Kozen, Theory of Computation.
ˇ Oded Goldreich, Computational Complexity: A Conceptual Approach. A draft of the book is available online.