Course Schedule 🗓️
Date |
High-level Topic |
Paper 1 |
Paper 2 |
Logistics |
25-Jan |
Overview of Robot Manipulation and how it evolved, videos, open challenges and trends (Refer: Towards Robotic Manipulation [pdf]. Matthew T. Mason) |
Course Structure (how to read and present a paper), Expectations, Grading, Final Project etc. |
Prof. Tapo Bhattacharjee |
27-Jan |
WidowX-250 tutorial + Q/A |
Rishabh Madan |
1-Feb |
Grasping |
Planning Optimal Grasps (pdf) |
The GRASP Taxonomy of Human Grasp Types (pdf) |
G1 [slides] |
3-Feb |
Grasping |
Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects using Vision (pdf) |
Dex-Net 2.0: Deep Learning to Plan Robust Grasps with Synthetic Point Clouds and Analytic Grasp Metrics (pdf) |
G2 [slides] |
8-Feb |
Grasping |
Autonomous manipulation with a |
The Manifold Particle Filter for State Estimation on |
G3 [slides] |
10-Feb |
In-hand manipulation |
Extrinsic dexterity: In-hand manipulation with external forces (pdf) |
Learning Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation (pdf) |
G4 [slides] |
15-Feb |
In-hand manipulation |
A System for General In-Hand Object Re-Orientation (pdf) |
Generalization in Dexterous Manipulation via Geometry-Aware Multi-Task Learning (pdf) |
G5 [slides] |
17-Feb |
22-Feb |
Controls |
A Unified Approach for Motion and Force Control of Robot Manipulators: The Operational Space Formulation (pdf) |
Robot Juggling: An Implementation of Memory-based Learning (pdf) |
G1 [slides] |
24-Feb |
Controls |
Dynamical Movement Primitives: Learning Attractor |
G2 [slides] |
1-Mar |
No Class |
3-Mar |
Planning |
An Exploration of Sensorless Manipulation (pdf) Michael A. Erdmann and Matthew T. Mason. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation. 1988. |
CHOMP: Gradient optimization techniques for efficient motion planning (pdf) Nathan Ratliff, Matt Zucker, J. Andrew Bagnell, Siddhartha Srinivasa. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2009. |
G3 [slides] | |
8-Mar |
Planning |
Hierarchical task and motion planning in the now (pdf) |
Manipulation Planning with Probabilistic Roadmaps (pdf) |
G4 |
10-Mar |
Systems |
Lessons from the Amazon Picking Challenge: |
CHIMP, the CMU Highly Intelligent Mobile Platform (pdf) |
G5 |
15-Mar |
Mid-term Presentation |
7 min (5 min presentation +2 min (Q/A)) * 9 groups |
17-Mar |
Robot learning for manipulation |
Reinforcement learning in robotics: A survey (pdf) |
G1 |
22-Mar |
Robot learning for manipulation |
SE3-nets: Learning rigid body motion using deep neural networks (pdf) |
G2 |
22-Mar |
Extended Abstract |
Gradescope submission |
Due at 11:59 PM |
24-Mar |
Lecture: Planning |
29-Mar |
Robot learning for manipulation |
[G3] Learning Synergies between Pushing and Grasping |
[G4] Reinforcement and Imitation Learning for Diverse Visuomotor Skills (pdf) |
(Optional Reading) Neural Dynamic Policies for End-to-End Sensorimotor Learning (pdf) QT-Opt: Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning
G3, G4 |
31-Mar |
Robot learning for manipulation |
[G5] Dense Object Nets: Learning Dense Visual Object Descriptors By and For Robotic Manipulation (pdf) |
G5 |
5-Apr |
No class |
7-Apr |
No class |
12-Apr |
Lecture: Planning and Controls |
14-Apr |
Special Topics | [G3] Making Sense of Vision and Touch: Learning Multimodal Representations for Contact-Rich Tasks (pdf) Michelle A. Lee, Yuke Zhu, Peter Zachares, Matthew Tan, Krishnan Srinivasan, Silvio Savarese, Li Fei-Fei, Animesh Garg, Jeannette Bohg. Transactions on Robotics. 2019. |
[G5] Reaching in clutter with whole-arm tactile sensing (pdf) |
(Optional Reading) Tactile identification of objects using Bayesian exploration (pdf) Robotic learning of haptic adjectives through physical interaction (pdf) |
G3, G5 |
19-Apr |
Lecture: Controls |
21-Apr |
Special Topics |
[G1] Interactive Perception: Leveraging Action in |
[G2] A direct method for trajectory optimization of rigid bodies through contact (pdf) Michael Posa, Cecilia Cantu, Russ Tedrake. International Journal of Robotics Research. 2014. |
(Optional Reading) Segmentation via Manipulation (pdf) Active Perception: Interactive Manipulation for Improving Object Contact-implicit trajectory optimization using variational integrators (pdf) |
G1, G2 |
26-Apr |
Lecture: Robot Learning |
28-Apr |
Special Topics |
[G4] Modeling of Deformable Objects for Robotic Manipulation: A Tutorial and Review. (pdf) |
[G5] Dual arm manipulation - A survey (pdf) |
G4, G5 |
3-May |
Guest Lecture |
The Reasonable Effectiveness of Dynamic Manipulation for Deformable Objects |
Gates 114 |
5-May |
Guest Lecture |
Oliver Kroemer |
Contact Modes and Skills: Discovering Structure in Manipulation Tasks |
Gates 114 |
10-May |
Interactive QnA |
Siddhartha Srinivasa |
Gates 114 |
15-May |
Final Presentations |
20 minutes (15 min presentation + 5 min QnA) |
Rhodes 106 (2:00 pm) |
15-May |
Final Paper Due |