Advanced Language Technologies, Fall 2019

Tuesdays and Thursday 1:25-2:40, Stimson G01 (Zoom link available on request)

This course covers selected advanced topics in natural language processing (NLP) and/or information retrieval, with a conscious attempt to avoid topics covered by other Cornell courses. Hence:

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Prerequisites, enrollment, related classes

Prerequisites All of the following: CS 2110 or equivalent programming experience; a course in artificial intelligence or any relevant subfield (e.g., machine learning, NLP, information retrieval, Cornell CS courses numbered 47xx or 67xx); proficiency with using machine learning tools (e.g., fluency with training a classifier and assessing its performance using cross-validation).

Enrollment Enrollment is open on Student Center to PhD and MS students (although those who do not meet the prerequisites should not take this class).

Other students interested in gaining permission to enroll: please contact Prof. Lee after lecture on Tuesday, September 3rd. (Before that date, I won't have enough information on the number of students to be able to make enrollment allowances.) Try to attend the first two lectures if you can, but if you are shopping other courses meeting at the same time, it's OK to miss one or both of the first two CS6740 lecture times. You will be be responsible for making up the material on your own, but some form of notes or slides will be posted.

Auditing is an option for those permitted to enroll: the only requirement is to sign up on Student Center for the "Audit" option as Grade Basis, and there is no coursework or attendance requirement to earn the audit credit. Students already actively engaged in thesis research should thus choose the "Audit" grade basis.

Remote attendance is possible; please contact me for a Zoom link (contact information listed on the "Administrative info" tab).

Related classes See Cornell's NLP course list

Likely topics

Formal models of language, parsing complexity: Tree-adjoining grammar, and perhaps also combinatory categorial grammar Dependency parsing: Eisner's algorithm, Maximum-spanning tree Style Implication (De)constructing datasets Evaluation

Administrative info

Course homepage Main site for course info, assignments, readings, lecture references, etc.

CMS page Site for submitting assignments, unless otherwise noted. You may find this graphically-oriented guide to common operations useful: see how to replace a prior submission (point 1), how to tell if CMS successfully received your files (point 2), how to form a group (point 4).

Office hours and contact info See Prof. Lee's homepage and scroll to the section on "Contact and availability info".





Note that assignments will remain visible even when details are hidden.
#1 Aug 29: Introduction


Class images, links and handouts

#2 Sep 3: Motivation for Tree Adjoining Grammars: introduction to sentential structure


  • Those wishing to enroll but need a PIN: please email Prof. Lee with your name and netID by noon on Thursday if you can (by Tuesday evening is preferable)

Class images, links and handouts

Other references

#3 Sep 5: CFGs and long-distance dependencies; tree substitution grammars as a way to lexicalize CFGs


  • Everyone (including auditors and those not yet enrolled): please complete the CS 6740 "administrative matters" quiz on CMS,, deadline Mon Sept 9, 11:59pm. Enrollment permissions will be decided in part by the information furnished as quiz answers.
    So, being on CMS does not mean you have been enrolled in the class!
    If you don't see "CS 6740" when you log in to CMS or can't log in, please email Prof. Lee with your name and netID.
  • Reading for today: Sections 3-4.1 of Aravind K. Joshi and Yves Schabes. 1991. Tree-adjoining grammars and lexicalized grammars. University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report No. MS-CIS-91-22.
    We're reversing the order of presentation (as is done is Schabes' 1990 Ph.D. thesis, Mathematical and computational aspects of lexicalized grammars)
  • Reading for next week (don't get too hung up on the details):
  • Tentative sketch of first "real" assignment, due sometime between Sep 19 and 24: spend X hours (where I will specify X) implementing a representation of tree-adjoining grammars, allowing one to specify a TAG (that is, you should not hard-code a specific TAG), and, given a partial derivation tree (which you'll need to represent) and an elementary tree, determine whether the elementary tree can legally be substituted into by/adjoined into the corresponding derived tree. Write a description of your ideas and any challenges you faced. Be prepared to discuss your efforts in class.
    You may not arrive at a really functional implementation; I'm just looking for a good-faith effort.

Class images, links and handouts

#4 Sep 10: Tree grammars: tree substitution grammars and tree adjoining grammars


  • Assignment 1 is due September 19 12:00 P.M. (noon), but you can continue resubmitting on CMS (Lillian will set up CMS by the night of September 11th) until noon Monday the 23rd. You should spend a minimum of 10 hours and a maximum of 13 hours coding by the September 19 deadline; you're not obligated to do any more coding after that. Along with a zip file of your code, submit an informal writeup (PDF) describing your design decisions.
    We'll discuss our experiences together on the lecture of Sep 24th.
    Please work by yourselves until the September 19th deadline; after that I'll open up some sort of discussion site to allow for collaboration.

Class images, links and handouts

#5 Sep 12: Tree adjunction


  • No lecture Oct 3.

Class images, links and handouts

Lecture references

#6 Sep 17: More linguistic modeling with TAGs: modeling feature constraints

Class images, links and handouts


#7 Sep 19: TAG parsing: intuitions


  • Assignment 1 addendum: post to CampusWire (join code given in class) some short description of and/or motivation for your test cases for assignment 1. Optional but encouraged: mention any questions you have for me or your fellow students.
  • Reading for next time: chapter 2 of Yves Schabes' 1990 PhD thesis, Mathematical and computational aspects of lexicalized grammars (link should provide access through the Cornell library/ProQuest)

Class images, links and handouts


#8 Sep 24: Earley-style TAG parsing, part 2


  • Reading for next lecture or two: Mark Steedman (draft of November 1, 1996), A Very Short Introduction to CCG.
    Also, skim Steedman's 2018 lifetime achievement award address, The Lost Combinator, printed in Computational Linguistics 44(4). You may find section 6, "CCG in the age of deep learning", an interesting reflection

Class images, links and handouts


#9 Sep 26: Intro to CCGs


  • I am tentatively planning a small CCG-based assignment to be released either next Tuesday or next Thursday (on which, recall, there is no lecture). You would have a week to complete it once it is released.

Class images, links and handouts


#10 Oct 1: More on CCGs: conjunctions, modification, question inversion


Class images, links and handouts


#11 Oct 3: No class — CIS 20th anniversary celebration
#12 Oct 8: More on CCGs: idioms, the copy language, parsing


Class images, links and handouts


#13 Oct 10: Concluding discussion on syntactic (and a bit of semantic) modeling


Class images, links and handouts


Oct 15: No class — Fall Break
#14 Oct 17: The dataset landscape: today and how we got here.


  • Reading for next week: Liu, Nelson F., Roy Schwartz, and Noah A. Smith. Inoculation by fine-tuning: A method for analyzing challenge datasets. NAACL, pp. 2171–2179
  • Tentative plan for third assignment: try out "inoculating by fine-tuning", perhaps in a domain of your own choice. Time span: a week or a week and a half after the assignment is formalized (probably next Thursday)

Class images, links and handouts

  1. What (do other people think) is the current (as of 2018) state of NLP? Frontiers in Natural Language Processing Expert Responses
  2. A proliferation of datasets ... and takedowns thereof: see slides 14-17 of Rogers, Anne, 2019. Word Embeddings: 6 years later.
  3. Datasets that were BERTed ("solved"): from GLUE to SuperGLUE: Wang, Alex, Yada Pruksachatkun, Nikita Nangia, Amanpreet Singh, Julian Michael, Felix Hill, Omer Levy, Samuel R. Bowman. SuperGLUE: A Stickier Benchmark for General-Purpose Language Understanding Systems. Neurips 2019. [website]
  4. Datasets that were "broken" - see intro of the Liu et al 2019 reading.
  5. Back of that Frontiers listing again ...
  6. Right or wrong, dataset releases can get you pretty far, in my experience.
  7. Praise of the Cornell movie-review dataset in the Test-of-time award nomination
  8. Flaws in the Cornell movie-review dataset noted in section 4.3.1 of Maas et al. ACL 2011
  9. Bo Pang's 2018 test-of-time award talk for Thumbs up? Sentiment classification using machine learning techniques, EMNLP 2002.
#15 Oct 22: "Breaking" data/evaluation;

Class images, links and handouts

  1. What is the purpose of data? One reason is evaluation, as the Penn Treebank paper said. I mention the PTB because in the "old days", it was in some sense the canonical dataset. Here's an example results table (EMNLP 2011):
  2. Maybe we just need new data all the time? Jacob Eisenstein tweet, Jun 1 2015
  3. Recall the landscape: new data introduced, then "solved" or "broken".
  4. Demos for two NLP tasks (we can try to break the algorithm in class)
    1. Sentiment analysis demo at AllenNLP. Task considered in the "Build it Break it" data, and so will probably be an option for A3, since there's "regular" training data and "challenge" test sets.
    2. Textual Entailment demo at AllenNLP. A simple version of this task is considered in the "breaking" Levy et al. 2015 paper
  5. An early example "break" of a set of methods (and hence perhaps their underlying data?): Omer Levy, Steffen Remus, Chris Biemann, Ido Dagan. 2015. Do supervised distributional methods really learn lexical inference relations?. NAACL, 970-976. Actually, let's do Suchin Gururangan, Swabha Swayamdipta, Omer Levy, Roy Schwartz, Samuel Bowman, Noah A. Smith, Annotation Artifacts in Natural Language Inference Data.


#16 Oct 24: "Inoculation by fine-tuning: A method for analyzing challenge datasets" and assignment A3 prep


  • A3 is coming here!

Class images, links and handouts


#17 Oct 29: No class — LL traveling to Edinburgh
#18 Oct 31: No class — LL at Edinburgh
#19 Nov 5: Mandatory individual appointments
#20 Nov 7: In-class A3 presentations
#21 Nov 12: Performance on "new" data


  • Next lecture replaced by Chris Potts talk; no meeting during usual lecture time.

Class images, links and handouts


#22 Nov 14: Class replaced by Chris Pott's CS colloquium, 11:40am-12:40pm, Gates G01, Fair adversarial tasks for natural language understanding


  • If you cannot attend the colloquium, please see the video, which can be accessed via NetID login here, and which should be posted by a few days after the talk.

Speaker abstract, and bio: It is common to hear that certain natural language processing (NLP) tasks have been "solved". These claims are often misconstrued as being about general human capabilities (e.g., to answer questions, to reason with language), but they are always actually about how systems performed on narrowly defined evaluations. Recently, adversarial testing methods have begun to expose just how narrow many of these successes are. This is extremely productive, but we should insist that these evaluations be *fair*. Has the model been shown data sufficient to support the kind of generalization we are asking of it? Unless we can say "yes" with complete certainty, we can't be sure whether a failed evaluation traces to a model limitation or a data limitation that no model could overcome. In this talk, I will present a formally precise, widely applicable notion of fairness in this sense. I will then apply these ideas to natural language inference by constructing challenging but provably fair artificial datasets and showing that standard neural models fail to generalize in the required ways; only task-specific models are able to achieve high performance, and even these models do not solve the task perfectly. I'll close with discussion of what properties I suspect general-purpose architectures will need to have to truly solve deep semantic tasks. (joint work with Atticus Geiger, Stanford Linguistics)
Bio: Christopher Potts is Professor of Linguistics and, by courtesy, of Computer Science, at Stanford, and Director of the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) at Stanford. In his research, he develops computational models of linguistic reasoning, emotional expression, and dialogue. He is the author of the 2005 book The Logic of Conventional Implicatures as well as numerous scholarly papers in linguistics and natural language processing.

#23 Nov 19: Evaluation by/of textual inference (aka entailment)


Class images, links and handouts


#24 Nov 21: No class — LL traveling to NDS Symposium in NY
#25 Nov 26: Explicit semantic representations; intro to AMR


  • Final exam: take-home, to be worked on individually, released Tuesday Dec 10th (watch your mail).
  • No class Tuesday Dec 10th (ACL deadline recovery)
  • Tentative plan for assignment A4: light,released sometime Tuesday Dec 3, due Dec 10th.
  • Optional reading for next lecture: skim the following 2018 presentation slides, by Groschwitz et al.

Class images, links and handouts


Nov 28: No class — Thanksgiving Break
#26 Dec 3: AMR


Class images, links and handouts


#27 Dec 5: AMR parsing: Zhang, Ma, Duh and van Durme, EMNLP 2019


  • Final take-home due date of Thursday Dec 19, 4:30pm.
  • A4 due time moved to Tuesday, Dec 10, 11:59 PM (extra 12 hours), with the usual lecture time on the 10th converted to optional office hours, in the usual classroom.

Class images, links and handouts


#28 Dec 10: Office drop-in hours in the usual lecture room (attendance not required, no sign-up required, just come by if you want.)
Dec 19, 4:30pm: Final take-home exam due (this date is what is listed on the registrar exam schedule as of December fourth)

Code for generating the calendar formatting adapted from Andrew Myers.