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Project Information |
Project Proposal |
Project Survey Paper |
Midterm Paper |
Peer Review |
Final Demo |
Final Paper
Project information
For the project, you will build, design, implement a system of your choice. There are six deadlines:
- Project proposal. The proposal is a one page description of what your project will be. It should state the
problem you are solving, why it is an interesting or useful problem, what software/system you will build and what
the expected results will be.
Initial proposal of project topic is due on Thursday, September 17th.
We will give feedback by Tuesday, September 22nd.
Survey of area (related work) on topic (2-3 pages) due Thursday, October 1st.
Discuss project topic with professor by Tuesday, October 6th.
- Midterm draft Paper.This report should include a draft of your report's abstract, introduction,
related work, and design section. These sections should be in good shape and close to
what they would look like in the final report. Be sure that the draft's
introduction clearly states what your project's goals are, why those goals are
worthwhile, and how you're going to achieve those goals. In addition to these mature sections, the report should
also have an implementation and evaluation plan. Describe how you plan to implement the system (esp.
the details of how it situates in the OS environment) and what experiments you will run on your final system.
It is due by Thursday, November 5th.
- Peer Review. You and everyone else will write a peer review of two or three other drafts (from other students). Your reviews will be given to you as feedback and constructive criticism on your draft paper.
We will return our peer reviews to author by Thursday, November 12th.
- Demo day. You will give a presentation, followed by
a demonstration of your system in action to the entire class.
We'll supply a laptop projector, so
you should run your demo from your laptop.
Demo day is in class on Thursday, December 3rd.
- Final report. Final report due Thursday, December 10th.
Questions or comments? email hweather@cs.cornell.edu
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