Fast Conservative Garbage Collection
Fast Conservative Garbage Collection
This paper1 explores the common challenges of implementing an efficient conservative garbage collectors in managed languages, namely excess retention and pinning caused by ambiguous references. To that end, the authors introduce the concept of an optimized object map, which tracks live objects, to mitigate some of these issues. Finally, they compare conservative collectors to their exact counterparts and conclude that conservative collectors can be as efficient in space and time as exact collectors.
Within language implementations, memory management can be done by either exact garbage collectors, which are fully aware of all references, or conservative garbage collectors, which must deal with ambiguous references that could be either pointers or values.
Because exact collectors know references, they can move objects and filter out more references. However, exact collectors impose non-trivial engineering and performance challenges, such as having to maintain a shadow stack. In many situations, it is also impossible to implement an exact collector. So, work on implementing effective and efficient conservative collectors is necessary.
The key challenges in implementing conservative collectors are as follows:
Excess retention: Because an ambiguous reference could point to an object, that “referent” cannot be collected. This is because the ambiguous reference could be a valid pointer to that object. So, actually dead objects and their transitively reachable descendants will be kept alive, causing extra space to be taken.
Pinning: Because an ambiguous reference could be a value, the collector can’t modify it. So, in the case that the ambiguous reference is actually a pointer, the referents cannot be moved, causing fragmentation.
The main contributions of this paper include:
A detailed examination on conservative garbage collection, including the first detailed study of impacts of exact and conservative collection in practice. See below.
Introducing an object map that precisely tracks live objects to filter ambiguous roots efficiently.
The design, implementation, and evaluation of new conservative collectors that use the object map, against prior conservative collectors and their exact counterparts.
- RC ImmixCons, introduced in this paper, is 1% faster than Gen Immix, the best-performing exact collector.

There are two broad classes of techniques used by conservative collectors to make them match exact collectors:
Filtering: maintaining a data structure to track references to live objects to filter ambiguous references that could not possibly be valid pointers to reduce excess retention.
Ambiguous Roots: many collectors strike the balance between exact and conservative collection by using available run-time information such that the only conservative references are the roots. This is achieved by embedding type information about objects in their headers, which is far easier to do compared to the engineering effort of tracking stack pointers exactly, and hence is a popular choice for many language implementations.
Other references are exactly known, and therefore can be moved freely.
Existing Conservative Collectors
Boehm-Demers-Weiser Collector (BDW)2 is a conservative collector designed for C and C++. It is a
non-moving tracing collector which uses a free-list to reclaim and reuse memory which can be used
as a drop-in replacement for malloc
. It filters ambiguous references by comparing them against
live free-list cells. While it is very convenient to use, it suffers from bad mutator performance
due to sparse allocations and the inability to defragment. It is, by and large, one of the most
popular collectors because of it’s very drop-in, plug and play nature. For an instance of how easy
it is to integrate it into an existing project see this discussion.
Mostly Copying Collectors (MCC)34567 strike a balance by only allowing roots to be ambiguous and freely moving the non-pinned references as an exact collector would. Additionally, they use bump-pointer allocation to reduce the sparsity of allocations. To-space and from-space are maintained as a linked-list of allocated pages. If any allocation on a page is pinned, the entire page is considered to be pinned, which wastes space. Filtering is performed by scanning the list of allocated pages for live addresses.
Performance evaluations show that these state-of-the-art conservative collectors have a high overhead compared to the fastest exact collectors. This paper takes the straightforward approach of applying simple techniques outlined previously to convert these fast exact collectors into conservative collectors.
Immix Family of Exact Collectors
We briefly describe a family of high-performance exact collectors based on the idea of the organizing the heap using a data structure called the Immix Heap8.

Immix divides the heap into blocks (32 KB) and each block into lines (256 bytes). Objects are allocated using bump-pointer allocation within a line. The tracing version of Immix performs opportunistic copying to defragment lines and blocks. Sticky Immix is a generational collector which marks objects that survive collection as old and only performs tracing on young objects. RC Immix performs deferred reference counting with the Immix heap.
Making Collectors Conservative
Object Map is a data structure proposed by the authors for efficient filtering of ambiguous roots. The idea is to maintain a bitmap for each 8-byte word in memory indicating whether that location is alive.
Conservative Immix (ImmixCons) is a conservative version of Immix. It only considers roots as ambiguous, and the objects referenced by these are pinned on line granularity (256 bytes) which is space efficient. Like Immix, it performs opportunistic copying for other non-root exact references. Furthermore, ambiguous roots are filtered against the object map, which is updated after every collection cycle.
Similarly, Conservative Sticky Immix (Sticky ImmixCons) is the conservative counterpart of Sticky Immix. Maintaining the object map is trickier since only young objects are traced regularly.
Conservative Immix RC (RC ImmixCons) performs tracing on young objects, and reference counting on mature objects. Object map is used here as well, and is updated incrementally as reference counting is performed.
The authors conduct an extensive evaluation in two parts: (1) understanding the impact of conservatism by comparing between exact and conservative versions of collectors; (2) a performance evaluation comparing the conservative versions of RC, Immix, Sticky Immix, and RC Immix against existing state-of-the-art conservative garbage collectors.
Impact of Conservatism
The authors evaluated the impacts of conservative-ness on collector mechanisms and design, specifically on the number of roots tracked, filtering, excess retention, and pinning.
The takeaways are as follows:
Ambiguous Pointers: A challenge in conservative collection is how often a non-pointer object may be interpreted as a pointer. The authors found that conservative scanning results in 60% more “roots” than exact scanning.
Excess Retention: While excess retention is a very obvious side effect of conservative collection, its precise impacts in practice were not known. The authors measured excess retention by comparing the sizes of transitive closures between the exact and conservative versions, and found that excess retention was, on average, only 0.02%, with the maximum being only 6.1%, as a fraction of heap size. This is in line with Boehm’s theoetical work on why excess retention can be surprisingly small9.
Pointer Filtering: The authors compare the performances between their object map and the state-of-the-art BDW free-list introspection, which are functionally equivalent ways of filtering ambiguous roots. Object maps had a higher overhead in total, mutator, and collection times primarily due to (1) setting bits at allocation time, and (2) a space penalty that results from having to store the map. The authors concluded that in the context of a non-moving collector, BDW is clearly the better solution; however, copying allows for a greater performance benefit.
Pinning Granularity: Conservative collectors need to pin the “referents” of ambiguous pointers, but the effect of pinning depends on the collector’s pinning granularity. In MCCs, where the “referent” and all other objects on the page that it resides in are retained, 2.1% of the live heap was impacted. In the 256 bytes line granularity (used by the Immix family of collectors), where only the referent line is pinned, 0.2% of the live heap was impacted. Therefore, the authors concluded that pinning at the line granularity is significantly less impactfull.
Performance Evaluation
Conservative vs. Exact Variants
The authors also evaluated the performance impacts of conservatism, by first comparing between six conservative collectors and their exact variants: MCC, BDW, RCCons, ImmixCons, Sticky ImmixCons, and RC ImmixCons.

The above figure displays the performance outcomes of the six conservative collectors and their exact counterparts. The key takeaways from this evaluation are that (1) conservative overheads are rather minimal, ranging from 1% to 2.7%; (2) all Immix collectors outperform the free-list collectors (most likely due to cache locality); and (3) RC ImmixCons is actually 1% faster than Gen Immix, the fastest exact collector. Thus, the authors conclude that conservative collectors can be on par with exact collectors in terms of performance.
Performance Analysis
Following this, the authors perform a per-benchmark performance analysis of five collectors: Gen Immix (the best performing exact collector), RC ImmixCons (the best performing conservative collector), RC Immix (the exact counterpart of RC ImmixCons), MCC and BDW (prior conservative collectors given 2x the minimum size heap).
The takeaways from this analysis is as follows:
RC ImmixCons has very good performance, outperforming Gen Immix on the majority of benchmarks. This is attributed to (1) better mutator performance due to using coarse grained allocation regions, (2) locality benefits, (3) utilizing the weak generational hypothesis.
In evaluating the time-space trade-off of collection via varying the heap size, the authors found that Gen Immix’s total time performance was better than RC ImmixCons’s in small heap sizes; both exact and conservative variants of RC Immix performed best in terms of collection time; RC ImmixCons performed at least as well as the best exact generational collector.
Garbage collection slowdown increases as the percentage of pinned objects increases, and slowdown decreases as heap sizes increases. Therefore, the impact of pinned objects can be mitigated by increasing the heap size.
Rifat Shahriyar, Stephen M. Blackburn, and Kathryn S. McKinley. 2014. Fast conservative garbage collection. SIGPLAN Not. 49, 10 (October 2014), 121–139. doi: 10.1145/2660193.2660198
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