Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
Meetings: MWF 9:05am–9:55am, Uris Hall G01, map
- Eva Tardos, Gates Hall 316,
office hours: Monday 10:15am-11:15am and Thursday 1:30pm-2:30pm
External links
Enrollment Information
Information about how to enroll in this course, and in particular about the waitlist, can be found here. We expect to enroll most sophomore, junior and senior CS students (and prospective CS students), but do not expect to have room for Masters students from non-CIS majors.
Lead TAs
- Katie Gioioso (krg48)
office hour: Wednesdays 5pm - 6pm Rhodes 572 - Yanyi Liu (yl2866)
office hour: tba - Alex Wang (kaw293),
office hour: Mondays 4pm - 5pm Rhodes 572 - Ke Wu (kw568)
office hour: Fridays 2pm - 3pm Rhodes 572
Exam dates
- Prelim 1: Thursday, October 17, 7:30pm
- Prelim 2: Tuesday, November 12, 7:30pm
- Final: Thursday, December 19, 7:00pm