CS4414: ExamsGrading in CS4414 is 50% based on exams and 50% based on programming assignments. We will have two evening exams, one on September 26 and one on December 5. Here are some study materials (the exams and solutions used in 2021).
Each exam is cummulative from lecture 1 onwards, and is created to require no more than 75m. But to avoid time pressure we allow anyone who needs extra time to stay for as much as 2 1/2 hours (2x the time). You do not need to make any special request to stay longer -- you just stay as long as you feel you need. The prelims are scheduled on: Prelim 1: 7:30pm 9/26/2024 OLH155, OLH165, OLH255 Prelim 2: 7:30pm 12/5/2024 Rooms TBA |