CS 430 / INFO 430
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Fall 2006
Examinations The midterm and final examinations aim to reward regular attendance in class and careful reading for the discussion classes. Both examinations are open book. You will probably find it useful to bring copies of the lecture slides, course readings and your private notes. If you have a laptop computer you may save printing by loading these materials onto your computer and bringing it to the examination room. Some of the questions may require simple numeric calculations. Everything can be done by hand, but you may find it useful to bring a hand calculator or to use a calculator program on a laptop computer. Laptop computers may not be used for any other purposes during examinations. In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use them for any form of communication. No other electronic devices may be used during the examination except a laptop or a calculator. Midterm Examination The Midterm Examination is on Wednesday, October 11 from 7:30 to 9:00 in Phillips 203. It will be open book. The topics to be are examined are all the lectures and discussion class readings before the midterm break. A sample midterm examination and a set of slides that discuss the solution are mounted at the following: Sample Midterm Examination: Slides that discuss the solutions: Final examination The final examination is on Friday, December 15, from 9:00 to 10:30 in Phillips 101. The style of the final examination will be similar to the mid-term. There will be three or four questions covering material from the entire course. It will be open book. |
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William Y. Arms
Last changed: October 2006