Programming Languages and Logics
Fall 2020

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 1:50–2:40pm
in Baker 200 and Zoom


Nate Foster (he/him)
Office hour: 12-1pm Thursday and by appointment

Teaching Assistants

Dietrich Geisler (any pronouns)
Office hour: 3-4pm Tuesday

Joshua Kaplan (he/him)
Office hour: 11am-1pm Wednesday

Samwise Parkinson (he/him)
Office hour: 3-4pm Friday

Priya Srikumar (they/them)
Office hours: 3-4pm Thursday

Alexa VanHattum (she/her)
Office hours: 10am-11am Monday


Please use Campuswire (not email) for all course-related communication to make sure that the whole course staff can help.

Office Hours by Appointment

Can’t make the normal office hours? Post a private note to Campuswire to request a special appointment. We’ll do our best to meet with you if we have enough notice.