Index of values

all_pairs [Warmup]
all_pairs xs should return the set-theoretic product of the list xs with itself.

binary_addition [Binary]
The binary_addition m n function is used to add two numbers m and n represented in binary using bits.
bits_to_int [Binary]
bits_to_int lst converts bits lst to an int.

confirm_outputs [Lists]
confirm_outputs i o fs outputs true if and only if each function f in fs returns output o when applies to input i.

drop_leading_zeros [Binary]
drop_leading_zeros lst returns lst' for lst = Zero::...::Zero::lst', where Zero::...::Zero represents all of the leading zeros in lst.

eval [Arithmetic]
The eval function takes an input expression and evaluates it according the rules of ordinary integer arithmetic.
exp_fold [Arithmetic]
The expression fold val_op plus_op times_op exp recursively processes each sub-expression of exp via the following scheme: It applies the operation val_op to each Val sub-expression., It applies the operation plus_op to each Plus sub-expression., It applies the operation times_op to each Times sub-expression

find_first_value_fold [Lists]
find_first_value_fold is identical to find_first_value_rec, but uses a folding function from the List module instead of recursion.
find_first_value_lib [Lists]
find_first_value_lib is identical to find_first_value_fold, but uses functions other than those in the folding section of the List module.
find_first_value_rec [Lists]
find_first_value_rec lst x uses recursion to produce Some z for the first pair (y,z in the list such that x equals y.
find_last_value [Lists]
find_last_value_rec lst x evaluates to Some z for the last pair (y,z in the list such that x equals y.

int_to_bits [Binary]
int_to_bits n converts an int n to bits.

lengths_fold [Lists]
lengths_fold is identical to lengths_rec, but uses a folding function from the List module instead of recursion.
lengths_lib [Lists]
lengths_lib is identical to lengths_fold, but uses functions other than those in the folding section of the List module.
lengths_rec [Lists]
lengths_rec l uses recursion to output a list l' such that the nth element of l' is the length of the nth element of l.

max2 [Warmup]
The max2 function should return the second-greatest element in an 'a list with respect to the canonical ordering given by
median [Lists]
median lst returns None if lst is the empty list, and otherwise returns Some x, where x is the median of an odd-length list or the lesser of the two middle elements of an even-length list.

normalize [Binary]
normalize lst lst' outputs (lst'',lst''') such that the lst'' and lst''' have the same length.

rev [Warmup]
The rev is an alias for the List.rev function which reverses a list.

sum [Warmup]
The sum function returns the sum of the elements in a given list.

to_string [Arithmetic]
to_string exp return a fully parenthesized string representation of exp with no spaces between operators and their operands.
total_length [Lists]
total_length lst outputs the total length of all lists elements of lst.
tree_count [Trees]
tree_count t counts the number of Nodes in the tree t.
tree_count_fold [Trees]
tree_count_fold is identical to tree_count, but it is implemented with tree_fold
tree_fold [Trees]
The tree_fold function generalizes fold operator to the 'a bintree type.
tree_inorder [Trees]
The tree_inorder function has an analogous specification to tree_preorder, but outputs the in-order traversal of t.
tree_inorder_fold [Trees]
tree_inorder_fold is identical to tree_inorder, but it is implemented with tree_fold
tree_mem [Trees]
tree_mem x t returns true if and only if x is an element in t.
tree_mem_fold [Trees]
tree_mem_fold is identical to tree_mem, but it is implemented with tree_fold
tree_postorder [Trees]
tree_postorder is similar to tree_preorder as well, but outputs a post-order traversal.
tree_postorder_fold [Trees]
tree_postorder_fold is identical to tree_postorder, but it is implemented with tree_fold
tree_preorder [Trees]
tree_preorder t outputs a list containing the pre-order traversal of t.
tree_preorder_fold [Trees]
tree_preorder_fold is identical to tree_preorder, but it is implemented with tree_fold
tree_sum [Trees]
tree_sum t computes the sum of the values in the Nodes of t.
tree_sum_fold [Trees]
tree_sum_fold is identical to tree_sum, but it is implemented with tree_fold