Module Warmup

module Warmup: sig .. end
This module contains a series of warmup exercises with the List.fold_left and List.fold_right functions. These exercises are intended to give familiarity with the basic principles of folding, a ubiquitous technique in functional programming.

val sum : int list -> int
The sum function returns the sum of the elements in a given list. More precisely, sum [x0; ... ; xn] = x0 + ... + xn.
val rev : 'a list -> 'a list
The rev is an alias for the List.rev function which reverses a list. To expand on the specification in the official OCaml List module documentation, we should have
max2 [x0; ... ; xn] = [xn; ... ; x0]

val max2 : 'a list -> 'a
The max2 function should return the second-greatest element in an 'a list with respect to the canonical ordering given by Your implementation should satisfy the following identity:
List.length (List.filter ((>) (max2 xs))) = 1
for all input lists xs.
val all_pairs : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list
all_pairs xs should return the set-theoretic product of the list xs with itself. That is, for each x,y in xs, the pair (x,y) should occur in all_pairs xs.