All Classes and Interfaces

A computer-driven player that uses minimax search to find good moves.
A mutable representation of an m-by-n board in which each cell can be occupied by a player or be empty
An exception that is fast to throw but doesn't have very good debugging support unless its withStackTrace() method is used explicitly.
An abstract, immutable representation of a two-player game.
An enum representing the result of a game.
An enum representing the type of game.
A human player
The main program for Assignment 5.
An object that may contain a value of type T.
Implementation of minimax search with alpha-beta pruning.
An exception signifying that the search algorithm ran out of time.
A running (m, n, k) game.
A checked exception that forces the programmer to handle the possibility of empty maybes.
A Pente game, where players take turns to place stones on board.
A model for Pente and Position satisfying the constraints of GameModel.
A game player.
A class representing player roles.
An enum representing the type of player.
An immutable position (row, column) on the board.
The classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
A model for TicTacToe and Position satisfying the constraints of GameModel.
A transposition table for an arbitrary game.
Information about a game state, for use by clients.