Introduction to Computing Using Matlab

CS1112 > Latest Announcements

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Date Topic Description
5/11 W Course Grade We anticipate that course grades will be available on CMS and Just the Facts (Student Center) around the end of the exam period. Course grades will not be emailed. You may view your final exam paper next semester. How, when, and where? Read the information on the Exams link.
5/11 W Potentially useful functions This list of functions will appear on the cover page of the exam, but you will not need all of them!
abs, rem, floor, ceil, rand, zeros, ones, length, size, sort, cell, struct, strcmp, fprintf, disp, ginput, wavread, sound
5/10 T P6 regrade request If you have a regrade request on project 6, please bring the completed regrade request form (and a paper copy of the project if appropriate) to the final exam and give it to a TA before the exam. Regrade comments will be available in CMS.
5/10 T Review Solutions to review questions have been posted. There is an error in Problem P14.1.3 of Insight. Part (b) should read "... then the reverse of s is the concatenation of the reverse of s(2:n) and s(1) in that order.'' The subvector was incorrectly specified as s(1:n-1). Please see the Insight Errata link for the errata list. Thanks to the students who pointed out the problem.
5/8 Su Office Hrs Here are the office/consulting hrs during study break.
5/6 F Review There will be a review session on Tuesday, 5/10, 11:30a-1:00p, in Upson B17. Review questions have been posted and the solutions will be posted on Tuesday.
5/3 T P6 Part 2 update Sky: The standard deviation to be passed to a recursive call of sky should be halved; this was inadvertently left out of the description of the algorithm. Thank-you to the students who pointed out that their resulting figures had very large changes from block to block (many truncated black and white values and rougher-looking than the figures in the project description).
5/2 M Game Design Showcase May 14th, 3-6pm, in ACCEL lab in Carpenter Hall. Computer games designed and developed by students in CIS 3000 will be available for PLAY! Go for some relaxing, or exciting, game play as a break from studying and check out the students' creative work.