The supervising consultants are James Lewis (jyl64) and Stephen McDowell (sjm324).
The consultants are as follows: Madeline Burton (mrb248), Ye An (ya62), Scott Cambo (sac355), Roger Chen (rc554), Susan Duan (zd32), Husam Eldawi (hme36), Celestia Fang (cxf2), Amy Frankhouser (adf53), Nick Gavalas (njg57), Jennifer Goto (jg567), Spandana Govindgari (sg754), Houmin Huang (hh342), Natalie Kim (nk428), Brendan Lee (bl345), Ji Young Lim (jl2494), Julia Littlehale (jsl338), Julia Littlehale (jsl338), Macolm McKinney (mim46), Evan Niederhoffer (emn46), Dan Peng (dp446), Mary Pisaniello (mcp88), Stephanie Schneider (sns74), Leina Sha (ls476), Alice Shan (as2525), Alexander Spitzer (aes368), Shela Wang (sw679), Travis Westura (tsw52), and Chen Yang (cy255).
The consulting calendar can be found on this page