Every once in a while, we will have a quiz in lecture. We will tell you
what will be on the quiz. We expect everyone to get 100 on every quiz.
Reason for quizzes.
A course like CS1110 uses a lot of terminology and introduces many new
concepts. Typically, the terminology and concepts are used from the day
they are introduced onward. If you don't learn them soon after they are
introduced, you can't understand later lectures and material. So, each
quiz alerts you to what is important for you to learn at that time (and
forces you, hopefully, to learn it). We hope that you don't only superficially
learn it but grok it. (If you don't know
what grok means, bring up ProgramLive (the CD), open the glossary, and
look at the entry for grok.
- Quiz 01. In class, 7 September. You need to know
(1) Definition of "type" (see p. 7 of text) , (2) how to
execute the assignment statement (p. 28, box on top of page).
- Quiz 02. In class, Tuesday, 14 September. What is the purpose of a constructor (see page 111 of text)? How do you evaluate a new expression (see box on top of page 116)? These very specific questions are also answered on lecture slides for 9 September.
- Quiz 03. In class, Thursday, 4 November. The four loopy questions. The purpose of this quiz is to help you prepare for the prelim and to learn some important material. You will be asked questions to test whether (a) you know the four loopy questions and (2) can look at a simple loop with appropriate documentation and decide which of the four loop question are or are not satisfied. This quiz will be given using iclickers; bring your iclickers. Answer to Quiz 3
See Section 7.2.1–7.2.4 of the text, pages 237–243. In addition, the following pages 244–252 give examples of the use of the four loopy questions.