Name |
Email |
Phone |
Office Location/Hours |
Gries | |
255-0393 |
Olin 167
Hour: Thurs, 12:45-1:45 pm.
By apptmt. (call Cindy Pakkala at 255-8240)
Walk-in: If Gries is in his office and is not in a meeting, he will
talk to you. |
TAs If
no one has signed up for
an "appointment hour" of a TA, the hour is considered "open". To
make an apptmnt for a one-one-one session with a TA, visit the undergrad
office (Upson 303) or call 255-0982 --24 hours in advance. Do visit the consultants as well; see the home page announcements for their hours.
name |
email address |
Recitation/Lab |
appt: |
03:35 Tuesday |
open: 03:00 Thursday
appt: 01:15 Friday |
03:35 Wednesday |
open: 12:20 Friday
appt: 01:15 Friday |
12:20 Wednesday
01:25 Wednesday
open: 04:30 Monday
appt: 05:30 Monday |
12:20 Tuesday
02:30 Wednesday
open: 04:00 Monday
appt: 05:00 Monday |
01:25 Tuesday |
open: 04:30 Thursday
appt: 05:30 Thursday |
02:30 Tuesday |
open: 10:10 Tuesday
appt: 11:15 Tuesday |
Admin Asst to Instructor
Maria Witlox | |
4115A Upson Hall , 255-9197 |
A TAs "appointment hour" will act like an "open hour" if no one has made an appointment
--and no one will very early in the semester. Get in the habit of dropping in on the TAs if you
have questions --drop in on any TA, not just your section TA.