Cornell University's College of Engineering is proud to host the

American Society for Engineering Education's
2006 St. Lawrence Section Conference

The Section Conference provides engineering educators, industry leaders, and students with a diverse range of technical papers spanning the many traditional and emerging trends in engineering.  The goal of the program will be to expose and inform the participants about these emerging developments, applications, and trends impacting engineers across the disciplines.  

Engineering educators are faced with many tasks in the preparation of the next generation of engineers and scientists.  The education of the engineering student requires a multi-faceted approach where the student acquires knowledge within their discipline and also an awareness of parallel disciplines that will intersect their career in the future.  

Participants to the conference will gain a more profound appreciation for the exciting possibilities taking place in the engineering world. 

  • Faculty will be able to take new information back to the classroom.
  • Industry leaders will have a better understanding of engineering education and have an opportunity to contribute ideas toward the development of engineering education programs. 
  • Students will have an opportunity to better understand both the education and industry relevant to their engineering education.