Theory of Blockchains and Cryptocurrency

FOCS 2018 Workshop. October 6, 2018. Paris, France.

Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Hermite


Organizers: Rafael Pass and Elaine Shi




Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains are new decentralized systems that

are redefining the future of money and e-commerce and have already had

a huge impact in practice. Understanding and designing such decentralized

systems requires new theoretical foundations and techniques, at the intersection

of Cryptography, Distributed Systems and Economics.


This workshop will focus on showcasing theoretical challenges

in each of the above areas.   





8:40 - 8:45

Rafael Pass


8.45 - 9.10

Ittai Abraham

Consensus for Blockchains

9.10 - 9.35

Elaine Shi

Incentive-compatible Blockchains

9.40 - 10.05

Gur Huberman

An Economist’s Observations on the Bitcoin Payment System

10.05 - 10.30

abhi shelat

Zero-knowledge for Cryptocurrencies

10.30 - 11.00

coffee break


11.00 - 11.25

Alon Rosen

Proof of Work from Worst-case Assumptions

11.30 - 11.55

Krzysztof Pietrzak

Proofs of Sequential Work and Verifiable Delay Functions