Anne Bracy

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science @ Cornell University

If you are currently enrolled in CS 2110, remember to include both CS 2110 instructors (me and Prof. David Gries) on all communication.

If you are currently enrolled in CS 3410, please email me at, an email account dedicated to CS 3410 correspondence. (Since I teach multiple classes, it’s helpful to organize the correspondence accordingly.)


452 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
P: (607) 255- 0286
F: (607) 255-9143
My email address is my last name at

My amazing Administrative Assistant:
Jenna Edwards
401 Gates Hall
(607) 255-3313
jls four-seven-eight AT cornell dot edu

I encourage my academic advisees to contact me over slack; I'm happy to find a time to meet.