
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Notation "x × y" := (prod x y) (at level 80, right associativity) : type_scope.

Definition ConjL (lp : list Prop) : Prop
  := (fold_left (fun A BAB) lp True).

Inductive Squash (T: Type) : Prop :=
squash : TSquash T.

Definition InjectiveFun {A B} (f : AB) :=
   (a1 a2: A), f a1 = f a2a1 = a2.

Class DecEq (T : Type) :=
    eqdec : (a b :T), {a=b} + {ab}

Notation "a =?= b " := (eqdec a b) (at level 69).

Definition enqueueAll {A : Type} (lel : list A) (oldQueue : list A) : list A :=
     lel ++ oldQueue.

Definition enqueue {A : Type} (el : A) (oldQueue : list A) : list A :=
     enqueueAll (el::nil) oldQueue.

Definition dequeue {A : Type} (l: list A) : option A × list A :=
match rev l with
| nil(None, nil)
| last :: rest(Some last, rev rest)

Lemma dequeueIn : {A : Type} (lq: list A),
  let (el,_) := dequeue lq in
  match el with
  | Some ldIn ld lq
  | NoneTrue
  intros. unfold dequeue.
  remember (rev lq) as lqr.
  destruct lqr as [| lh ltl];[tauto|].
  rewrite in_rev.
  rewrite <- Heqlqr.
  simpl. auto.

Definition toBool {A B : Prop} (sm: {A} + {B}) : bool :=
match sm with
| left _true
| right _false

Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.

Definition eq_existsT (A : Type)
                      (B : A Prop)
                      (a a' : A)
                      (b : B a)
                      (b' : B a')
                      (ea : a = a')
                      (eb : match ea in _ = a' return B a' with eq_reflb end = b')
  : exist B a b = exist B a' b'
  := match ea as ea
              in _ = a'
        return b' : B a',
                 match ea in _ = a' return B a' with eq_reflb end = b'
                  exist B a b = exist B a' b'
       | eq_reflfun b' ebmatch eb with eq_refleq_refl (exist B a b) end
     end b' eb.

Require Import NPeano.

Instance nat_decidable : DecEq nat.
  destruct (NPeano.Nat.eq_dec (a) (b)) as [T|F];[left|right]; trivial.

Definition opExtract {A : Type}
   (a : option A) (def: A ): A :=
match a with
| Some a'a'
| Nonedef

Definition assert (b : bool) : Prop := (b = true).
Coercion assert : bool >-> Sortclass.

Inductive void: Set :=.

Definition subList {T : Type} (start length : nat) (l : list T) : list T :=
  firstn length (skipn start l).

Definition isPrefixOf {T : Type} (lp l : list T) : Prop :=
  firstn (length lp) l =lp.

Definition substHead {A : Type} (l : list A) (h' : A) :=
match l with
| nilnil
| h::tlh'::tl

Lemma nth_error_map :
   (A B: Type) (f:AB)
     (n : nat) (l: list A),
      option_map f (nth_error l n) =
        nth_error (map f l) n.
  induction n; destruct l as [| h tl]; auto.
  simpl. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.

Lemma nth_error_nil :
   (A : Type) (n : nat), nth_error (@nil A) n = None.
  induction n ;auto.

Hint Rewrite nth_error_nil : Basics.

Lemma RemoveOrFalse : A , A False A.
Ltac repnd :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
            let lname := fresh H "l" in
            let rname := fresh H "r" in
              destruct H as [lname rname]
Ltac dands :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ |- _ _ ] ⇒ split
           | [ |- prod _ _ ] ⇒ split

Lemma length1In : {A} (l : list A) (a: A),
  In a l
  → List.length l = 1%nat
  → a::nil = l.
  intros ? ? ? Hin Hlen.
  destruct l; simpl in Hlen; inversion Hlen as [ Hll].
  destruct l; inversion Hll.
  simpl in Hin. rewrite RemoveOrFalse in Hin.
  subst. reflexivity.

Require Import Omega.
Theorem comp_ind_type :
   P: nat Type,
    ( n: nat, ( m: nat, m < n P m) P n)
     n:nat, P n.
 intros P H n.
 assert ( n:nat , m:nat, m < n P m).
 intro n0. induction n0 as [| n']; intros.
 destruct (eq_nat_dec m n'); subst; auto.
 apply IHn'; omega.
 apply H; apply X.

Lemma BetterConj : (A B : Prop),
  A → (AB) → (A B).

Ltac Dor H := destruct H as [H|H].

Ltac provefalse :=
  assert False ;[| contradiction].

Definition ltac_something (P:Type) (e:P) := e.

Notation "'Something'" :=
  (@ltac_something _ _).

Lemma ltac_something_eq : (e:Type),
  e = (@ltac_something _ e).
Proof. auto. Qed.

Lemma ltac_something_hide : (e:Type),
  e → (@ltac_something _ e).
Proof. auto. Qed.

Lemma ltac_something_show : (e:Type),
  (@ltac_something _ e) → e.
Proof. auto. Qed.

Ltac show_hyp H :=
  apply ltac_something_show in H.

Ltac hide_hyp H :=
  apply ltac_something_hide in H.

Ltac show_hyps :=
  repeat match goal with
    H: @ltac_something _ _ |- _show_hyp H end.

Ltac Replace T :=
assert T as Heq by reflexivity; rewrite Heq; clear Heq.

Ltac ReplaceH T H :=
assert T as Heq by reflexivity; rewrite Heq in H; clear Heq.

Fixpoint search (n: nat) (f : nat bool) : option nat :=
match n with
| ONone
| S n'if (f n')
            then Some n'
            else search n' f

Lemma searchSome : (f : nat bool) (n m: nat) ,
  search n f = Some m f m = true m < n .
  induction n.
- intros ? Heq. simpl in Heq. inversion Heq.
- intros ? Heq. simpl in Heq.
  remember (f n) as fn.
  destruct fn.
  + inversion Heq. clear Heq.
    subst. auto.
  + apply IHn in Heq. split; try tauto.

Lemma searchNone : (n: nat) (f : nat bool),
  search n f = None m, m < nf m = false.
  induction n; intros ? Heq; simpl in Heq.
- intros. omega.
- remember (f n) as fn.
  destruct fn.
  + inversion Heq.
  + intros ? Hlt.
    assert (m = n m < n) as Hd by omega.
    destruct Hd.
    × subst. auto.
    × auto.

Lemma searchMax : (f : nat bool) (b m c: nat) ,
  f c = true
   c < b
   search b f = Some m
   c m.
  induction b; intros ? ? Heq Hlt Hs; simpl in Hs.
- inversion Hlt.
- remember (f b) as fn.
  destruct fn.
  + inversion Hs. clear Hs.
    subst. omega.
  + apply IHb; auto.
    assert (c = b c < b) as Hd by omega.
    destruct Hd; try congruence.