
Require Import

Definition prod_equiv `{Equiv A} `{Equiv B} : Equiv (A × B) := λ p q, fst p = fst q snd p = snd q.
Hint Extern 0 (Equiv (_ × _)) ⇒ eapply @prod_equiv : typeclass_instances.

Section product.
  Context `{Setoid A} `{Setoid B}.

  Global Instance: Setoid (A × B) := {}.
  Proof. firstorder auto. Qed.

  Global Instance pair_proper: Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) (@pair A B).
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Global Instance: Setoid_Morphism (@fst A B).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. firstorder. Qed.

  Global Instance: Setoid_Morphism (@snd A B).
  Proof. constructor; try apply _. firstorder. Qed.

  Context `(A_dec : x y : A, Decision (x = y)) `(B_dec : x y : B, Decision (x = y)).
  Global Program Instance prod_dec: x y : A × B, Decision (x = y) := λ x y,
    match A_dec (fst x) (fst y) with
    | left _match B_dec (snd x) (snd y) with left _left _ | right _right _ end
    | right _right _
  Solve Obligations using (program_simpl; firstorder).
End product.

Definition prod_fst_equiv X A `{Equiv X} : relation (X × A) := λ x y, fst x = fst y.

Section product_fst.
  Context `{Setoid X}.

  Global Instance: Equivalence (prod_fst_equiv X A).
  Proof. unfold prod_fst_equiv. firstorder auto. Qed.
End product_fst.

Section dep_product.
  Context (I : Type) (c : I Type) `{ i, Equiv (c i)} `{ i, Setoid (c i)}.

  Let dep_prod: Type := i, c i.

  Instance dep_prod_equiv: Equiv dep_prod := λ x y, i, x i = y i.

  Global Instance: Setoid dep_prod.
     repeat intro. reflexivity.
    intros ?? E ?. symmetry. apply E.
   intros ? y ??? i. transitivity (y i); firstorder.

  Global Instance dep_prod_morphism i : Setoid_Morphism (λ c: dep_prod, c i).
  Proof. firstorder auto. Qed.
End dep_product.