
We prove the equivalence of the two definitions of adjunction.
Require Import
  abstract_algebra theory.setoids interfaces.functors theory.categories
  workaround_tactics theory.jections.
Require dual.

Local Hint Unfold id compose: typeclass_instances. Local Existing Instance injective_mor.
Local Existing Instance surjective_mor.

Lemma equal_because_sole `{Setoid T} (P: T Prop) x: is_sole P x y z, P y P z y = z.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.
Section for_φAdjunction.

  Context `(φAdjunction).

  Arguments φ {_ _} _.

  Instance: c d, Bijective (@φ c d) := φ_adjunction_bijective F G.
  Instance: Functor F F' := φ_adjunction_left_functor F G.
  Instance: Functor G G' := φ_adjunction_right_functor F G.
  Instance: Category D := functor_from G.
  Instance: Category C := functor_to G.

  Lemma φ_adjunction_natural_right_inv `(g: c G d) `(h: c' c): φ⁻¹ (g h) = φ⁻¹ g fmap F h.
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _.
   apply (injective φ).
   rewrite surjective_applied...
   rewrite φ_adjunction_natural_right...
   rewrite surjective_applied...

  Lemma φ_adjunction_natural_left_inv `(g: c G d) `(k: d d'): φ⁻¹ (fmap G k g) = k φ⁻¹ g.
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _.
   apply (injective φ).
   rewrite surjective_applied...
   rewrite φ_adjunction_natural_left...
   rewrite surjective_applied...

  Let η: id G F := λ c, φ (cat_id: F c F c).
  Let ε: F G id := λ d, φ ⁻¹ (cat_id: G d G d).

  Global Instance η_natural: NaturalTransformation η.
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _.
   intros x' x h.
   change (φ cat_id h = fmap G (fmap F h) φ cat_id).
   rewrite <- φ_adjunction_natural_left, <- φ_adjunction_natural_right, left_identity, right_identity...

  Global Instance: NaturalTransformation ε.
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _.
   intros d d' f.
   change ((φ ⁻¹) cat_id fmap F (fmap G f) = f (φ ⁻¹) cat_id).
   rewrite <- φ_adjunction_natural_left_inv, <- φ_adjunction_natural_right_inv, left_identity, right_identity...

  Lemma φ_in_terms_of_η `(f: F x a): φ f = fmap G f η x.
   rewrite <- (right_identity f) at 1.
   rewrite φ_adjunction_natural_left. reflexivity. apply _.

  Lemma φ_in_terms_of_ε `(g: x G a): φ⁻¹ g = ε a fmap F g.
   rewrite <- (left_identity g) at 1.
   apply φ_adjunction_natural_right_inv.

  Definition univwit (c : C) (d : D): (c G d) (F c d) := φ⁻¹.

  Instance: c, UniversalArrow (η c: c G (F c)) (univwit c).
   unfold univwit.
   constructor; unfold compose.
    rewrite <- (φ_in_terms_of_η ((φ ⁻¹) f)).
    apply (surjective_applied _).
   intros ? E.
   rewrite E.
   rewrite <- (φ_in_terms_of_η y).
   apply (bijective_applied _).

  Instance φAdjunction_ηAdjunction: ηAdjunction F G η univwit := {}.

  Instance φAdjunction_ηεAdjunction: ηεAdjunction F G η ε.
  Proof with try apply _.
   constructor; try apply _; intro x.
    rewrite <- @φ_in_terms_of_η.
    unfold ε. apply (surjective_applied _).
   rewrite <- @φ_in_terms_of_ε.
   unfold η. apply (surjective_applied _).

  Goal @φAdjunction D _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ G (dual.fmap_op G) F (dual.fmap_op F) (λ d c, (@φ c d)⁻¹)
    (λ d c, @φ c d).
  Proof with try apply _.
   constructor; intros...
     pose proof (φ_adjunction_bijective F G)...
    change (d' d) in k.
    change (d G c) in f.
    change ((φ ⁻¹) (f k) = (φ ⁻¹) f fmap F k).
    apply (injective (@φ d' c)).
    rewrite (surjective_applied _).
    rewrite φ_adjunction_natural_right...
    now rewrite (surjective_applied _).
   change (c c') in h.
   change (d G c) in f.
   change ((φ ⁻¹) (fmap G h f) = h (φ ⁻¹) f).
   apply (injective (@φ d c')).
   rewrite (surjective_applied _).
   rewrite φ_adjunction_natural_left...
   now rewrite (surjective_applied _).

End for_φAdjunction.

Section for_ηAdjunction.

  Context `(ηAdjunction).

  Instance: Functor F F' := η_adjunction_left_functor F G.
  Instance: Functor G G' := η_adjunction_right_functor F G.
  Instance: Category D := functor_from G.
  Instance: Category C := functor_to G.

  Let φ x a (g: F x a): (x G a) := fmap G g η x.

  Instance: (c: C) (d: D), Inverse (@φ c d) := uniwit.

  Instance: x a, Surjective (@φ x a).
  Proof with try apply _.
   unfold φ.
   repeat intro.
    intros x0 y E. symmetry.
    rewrite <- E.
    apply (η_adjunction_universal F G x).
   intros ?? E. rewrite E. reflexivity.

  Instance: x a, Injective (@φ x a).
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _; auto.
   repeat intro. constructor... unfold φ. repeat intro.
   apply (equal_because_sole _ _ (η_adjunction_universal F G _ _ (fmap G x0 η x))); unfold compose...

  Instance: x a, Bijective (@φ x a) := {}.

  Instance ηAdjunction_φAdjunction: φAdjunction F G φ.
  Proof with try reflexivity; try apply _.
   unfold φ. unfold id in ×. unfold compose in η.
    repeat intro. unfold compose.
    rewrite associativity...
    rewrite preserves_comp...
   repeat intro. unfold compose.
   rewrite preserves_comp...
   rewrite <- associativity.
   pose proof (η_adjunction_natural F G c' c h) as P.
   change (η c h = fmap G (fmap F h) η c') in P.
   rewrite <- P.
   rewrite associativity...

End for_ηAdjunction.

Section for_ηεAdjunction.

  Context `(ηεAdjunction).

  Instance: Functor F F' := ηε_adjunction_left_functor F G.
  Instance: Functor G G' := ηε_adjunction_right_functor F G.
  Instance: Category D := functor_from G.
  Instance: Category C := functor_to G.
  Instance: NaturalTransformation η := ηε_adjunction_η_natural F G.
  Instance: NaturalTransformation ε := ηε_adjunction_ε_natural F G.

  Let φ `(f: F c d): (c G d) := fmap G f η c.
  Instance uniwit c d: Inverse (φ c d) := λ f, ε d fmap F f.

  Instance ηεAdjunction_ηAdjunction: ηAdjunction F G η uniwit.
  Proof with try apply _.
   unfold uniwit.
   constructor; unfold compose.
    rewrite preserves_comp...
    pose proof (ηε_adjunction_η_natural F G c (G d) f) as P.
    change (η (G d) f = fmap G (fmap F f) η c) in P.
    rewrite <- associativity.
    rewrite <- P.
    rewrite associativity.
    pose proof (ηε_adjunction_identity_at_G F G d) as Q.
    simpl in Q.
    rewrite Q.
    apply left_identity.
   intros y E. rewrite E. clear E f.
   rewrite preserves_comp...
   rewrite associativity.
   pose proof (ηε_adjunction_ε_natural F G (F c) d y) as P.
   change (ε d fmap F (fmap G y) = y ε (F c)) in P.
   rewrite P.
   rewrite <- associativity.
   pose proof (ηε_adjunction_identity_at_F F G c) as Q.
   simpl in Q.
   rewrite Q.
   apply right_identity.

  Instance ηεAdjunction_φAdjunction: φAdjunction F G φ.
  Proof. apply ηAdjunction_φAdjunction, _. Qed.
End for_ηεAdjunction.